Friday, June 8, 2012


Yesterday, my mom-in-love and I had a girl's day together.  We had lunch at a cute little cafe in The Ville called Take A Break.  We followed lunch with manicures and pedicures at Gould's Day Spa and Salon. 

It was pure Heaven.

See?  Bliss.  It's been three years since I've had a pedicure.  Which, really is not that big a deal to me.  I do mine all the time...I get really tired of a certain color, so I re-polish often.  My hands and my toes.  I have this thing, though, in that I am obsessive over the way my feet look.  I know.  Weird. 

Anyway, while we were gone, the boys stayed home.  :-)  I love that they're old enough to do that now!  It's kind of nice...I don't have to worry about finding someone to sit with them.  My only thing is that I don't allow them to cook while I'm gone.  I really prefer that they not burn my house down.

I got my hair cut...wanna see?

It's several inches shorter.  And I lurve it.  It's cooler, easier and it's not frizzy underneath.  :-)  I'm a happy's also not this color anymore.  I colored it darker to match my roots (again) last night.  And this time, I think I might have gotten all the grey's!  I have some pesky ones that don't like hair color. 

Well, I am going to stop writing so I can go do this:

I'm trying really hard to stay caught up in my daily Bible reading plan.  I have to say...this is my favorite part of each day.  Love to all!

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