Thursday, June 7, 2012

I am thankful for...

Jesus.  He is always the first in my life and is of the utmost importance to me.  And not just because I'm trying to be a good girl...but because I know how much He loves me (and you).  And that no matter what happens, I can always cling to Him.  He never frustrates me and He never lets me down.  "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine."  (Song of Solomon 6:3 NASB.)

My husband and his sense of humor.  I love that we can mess with each other.  Although, sometimes I can't take it.  Poor thing.  I need to be more careful and warn him when those days come!

My precious boys.  I am thankful that they are considerate.  And they are genuinely good kids.  I was having a conversation with Jonah just now, and we were talking about the fact that Pappaw (my dad) is coming to get them in a little while so they can help him with his yardwork.  And Jonah said to me, "I'm not taking his money, so he'd better not even try to pay me."  I don't know many nine year old's that would say that...or thirteen year old's, for that matter.  Graham always says the same thing and has been known to leave his money at Pappaw's house.

Speaking of Pappaw...I am so thankful for my parents and for Todd's parents.  I truly could not imagine my life without them, and my children are so blessed to have them in their lives.  We were supposed to have moved away when we got married, but we didn't.  And I am so glad we didn't.  There are times when I hate this city around me, but I love The Ville, and I love the fact that we see our families often.  It's a blessing. 

I know it might sound crazy...but I'm thankful for internet and social media.  I try to only use it for encouraging others, although on Tuesday, that was not the case.  I'm not perfect, I have bad days and people frustrate me beyond imagination.  But, I do try and use it mainly to encourage and uplift. 

Our pets.  They bring such joy to our lives...remind me of this the next time I say anything negative about Crash.  (Notice he doesn't get called Evil Knievel much anymore.)  We make our pets "talk" to us...and it cracks the kids up every single time.  We also use special voices for different things...and we're always laughing at the way one of us will say something. 

I could go on...but I am going to go read my Bible.  Graham, Drew and Drew's friend Tom are all upstairs being quiet, so I'm going to go take advantage!  Love to all. 

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