Thursday, May 17, 2012


I had breakfast with a sweet friend this morning.  We hadn't seen each other in a couple weeks, and we just needed some time to catch up.  I love my friends...I'm so blessed to have such amazing, Godly women in my life.  When we left, I felt refreshed.  Even though I still don't feel great.  I'll be fine...forgive my complaining. 

I'm done with that. 

Especially since I just watched a #PRAYFORTREY video on Vimeo.  You should go there and check it out, or just look on my Facebook profile page.  I posted it. 

That boy amazes me. 

So, today I was missing my sweet friend Christa.  I didn't have time to really text or email (I was about to be walking into work), so I sent her this:

I figured it was the next best thing to talking or texting or emailing.  I was sending her X's and O's...and telling her that I love her and always miss her.  She sent me one back, and I was going to post it, but can't figure out how to get from my text messages to my pictures. 

Oh well. 

Just know that if you're my friend, you might get random texts like the one above from me from time to time.  :-) 

I was so excited about dinner tonight.  I made Pioneer Woman's pot roast.  It wasn't so great.  I figured out that I do not love rosemary.  Everyone ate it, but I feel a bowl of cereal coming on later. 

The bread that went along with it, however, was fabulous, and we polished it off. 

Here's a pic of the roast:

Doesn't it look beautiful? 


Anyway, that was my day.  Praise the good Lord tomorrow is Friday and I only have three more days of work after tomorrow.  :-)  Summer! 

Love to all. 


  1. Love me some random texts from my loverly friend Jennifer ! Anytime!

  2. I had this overwhelming emotion come over me yesterday of how much I missed you and needed a hug from you! I'm glad you don't mind my texts. :)


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