Wednesday, May 23, 2012

So Thankful!

I made it through my final day without shedding a tear.  I did get teary eyed a couple different times, though, but I was able to pull it together before anyone caught on.  The first time was when all the assistants hugged me.  I've come to know and love them all and I will miss seeing them everyday.  The second time was when Beth Sansone hugged me...and told me how much fun she'd had with Jonah and Noah this year. 

I'm blessed. 

I was blessed with homemade cards from each grade level, too...with all the kids in each grade signing personal little messages.  I've only looked at a couple and I got choked up, so I put them down. 

Today was a really strange day...a lot unusual for the elementary school.  I was especially thankful that today was my last day.  Just another God-thing.  He is so good to me...thankfully, I don't have to be "good enough" for Him to do that...I just love Him and honor Him.  And He shows Himself faithful.

My dad sent me the sweetest text right as I sat down in my car after my day was over.  It said, "An era has ended...and I know it was fun.  Love, Dad." 

Then the for-real tears came.  Talk about timing!  He is so precious to me, and I appreciate the love and support my amazing family has given me...all of them.  Once again...I'm blessed.

I turned my badge now, my cutie-patootie little Vera Bradley lanyard is all lonely.  I'll have to attach my glasses to it, or something. 

Graham and Drew walked to Yolo's after school today with some friends.  Their plan was to walk around the town square, then get a ride back to their friend Gavin's house.  I'll pick them up after I get drop off a couple of my extra kids.

It's the first time they've ever done that.  Weird. 

To celebrate the end of school year, I drove myself to my happy place.  Otherwise known as Collierville Burch Library.  And got a whole pile of books to keep me occupied. 

I cannot wait to dig in!

Love to all. 


  1. I am glad that your last day went well. I am excited for your new adventure, but I know it was still a little sad to end this chapter.

    Noah and his buddy went to YoLo's after school too. Mom went over there to pick him up and said it was WILD!

    Kendall had planned to go tomorrow, but has apparently changed her mind. She said today was her last day. Fine by me. :) We are officially OUT for summer! Woohoo!

    Have a great rest of the week!!!

  2. Thank you!! After the crazy-ness today, I am glad to be OUT! My boys said it was crazy, too! Glad I wasn't there! ;-)

    WOOHOO! School's out for summer!!! Now all we have to do is plan on getting together at some point this summer! I'd love to hang out some, if you're game!


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