Wednesday, May 30, 2012

sights & sounds of Summer

lots and lots of laundry, thanks to all the water-playing festivities
towels hung over every surface in my garage
dirty feet, because who in the world wears shoes in the Summer???
late to bed
later to rise
cooking breakfast, lunch and dinner for not only my chi-ren's, but their extra kids :-)
birds chirping
air conditioner humming
voices in the front yard
the vibrant green I see out all my window
flip flops
painted toe nails (who am I kidding?  Mine are always painted.)
sun-kissed skin (something I'm actually trying to avoid, the older I get.)
not having to wear makeup
lazy days spent doing...whatever

Sound good to you?  Me too.

Love to all.  (And thankful that I have the privilege of being a stay at home mom.)

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