Monday, May 7, 2012

Random Thoughts...Because it's been a while since I've had some

Since Drew has had his arm in a cast, he's been feeling grimy.  So, he's been taking baths everyday.  Well.  He's been sitting, I've been helping get him squeaky clean.  (Please don't tell him I told you this, he'll kill me.) 

I've noticed that while I'm drying him off (because it's almost impossible to do everything one-handed), he hums.  I think it's adorable and endearing.  ;-)  Kinda like him.

So, I read something on Facebook tonight that totally convicted me.  My friend Christie wrote something along these lines: "What do we spend time on that is unnecessary?  Cut out one thing (tv, computer, phone) and do something that makes a difference.  Go for a walk.  Cook dinner for your family.  Play games with your kids." 

I was immediately convicted, and I really believe the Lord laid that on her heart to speak to me.  We don't "play" with our kids often enough.  When they were little, it was more of a physical when Dad would wrestle on the floor with them.  Now that they're older?  It's all about the conversation that takes place around that kitchen table that I pray will stick out in their minds.  We talked, we laughed, we danced in our seats and we sang along with the songs that Drew has on his iPod.  :-) 

 It was a great night.  A random family game night.  Sometimes you can't plan these kinds of things...sometimes something has to happen to put things into motion.  So, Christie, on the off-chance that you read this blog, thank you.  I'm convinced that what you said tonight was a God-thing.  I love God-things!

They were also thrilled because I bought ice-cream today at the grocery store.  It's been ages since I've bought ice-cream, and we pigged out on it.  I even bought Magic Shell to go on top...the boys were in Heaven.  :-)

Other happenings around the Goodwin house:

Friday night, Drew had his end of season lacrosse party.  And I don't know if I mentioned this, but Graham was in St. Louis that day.  He went on a field trip with the eighth grade band to perform at Six Flags over St. Louis.  He had the time of his was an exhausting day for him, but he had a blast. 

Needless to say, he was not with us at Drew's end of season party. 

And poor Drew....he's been bummed because of all he's had to miss.  They played a game against the parents, coaches and siblings.  Because he's in a cast and can't play, he got to coach. 

Look at him, being all official.  He just loved having an excuse to boss people around!

Here's one of the bright yellow shirt...who made some pretty good lacrosse moves, if I do say so myself!  Him and Jonah are planning on playing on our third and fourth grade team next season.  Yikes!

It was a fun night.  I am glad to not be responsible for a team of people anymore.  :-)  (I was the secretary on our team, Todd was the president.  He's glad, too.)

Saturday dawned bright and early.  My mom and I went out for a bit...I needed some quick-dry nail spray, and I might have gotten a new bottle of OPI.  Or two...,but surely not three?


Wanna see?

It's the new Spiderman collection...and this one is called "Just Spotted A Lizzard". 

Shut up.  Is it not beautiful???  I love it.  L.O.V.E. 

It doesn't take much to please me.  I might have bought myself my early Mother's day gift, but I'm fine with that.  :-) 

So, that was our weekend.  How was yours?  Share the love...and comment! 

Love to all!


  1. Yay - you posted again! :) LOVE your family game night. We need to have another one of those around here. Thanks for being such a great friend! You have kept me sane lately! Love ya girl!

  2. We loved our game night, too...sometimes the impromptu things are the best for us! You are so welcome...I have prayed and prayed and prayed for you, Eric and Kendall...and for God to have favor with all of you. :) I'm always around...thankful for this beautiful little friendship we're developing. :)


  3. What a wonderful thought. I would have to thank Christie too. =) You can't ever replace those memories. I loooove that nail polish too.. mine is similar. Love you!!

  4. You know her...Christie Jarvis from Raleigh A/G? I just love her thoughts and challenges. She had this on her Christie Jarvis Connects page on FB. Lurve you!!! It'll be June before we know it...and we'll get to hang out! Ahhhhh!


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