Tuesday, May 22, 2012

one more day!

I cannot believe that tomorrow will be my last day of work at Collierville Elementary.  Normally I would be sad at this point, and a little worried at how I might make an emotional mess of myself, but the weird thing is...

I'm not.

I feel complete peace about this next phase of our life, and I am so full of hope at God leading us onto something different...and maybe more than we could have ever imagined!  Never have I felt so blessed to work with such kind people.  My administrators have all been very supportive of my decision, as well as the teachers I've talked to. 

I told Todd tonight that all this is just proof that it's all a God-thing. 

What, you wonder, is a God-thing? 

It's when you see His hand in everything you've thought about, prayed for and sought His wisdom.  It's when everything around you just sort of falls into place, like the pieces of a puzzle.  It's when, at one time, you might have questioned your timing, then realizing later that it was not in your timing, but in His.  It's when there is simply no other explanation.  It's just  God.

I'm not worried about tomorrow.  (Matthew 6:34 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.")  I know that even if I do get teary-eyed that it'll be okay.  I am human, after all...not Wonder Woman.  I have cared for and loved on all these kids for the past four years.  I have been there when they've lost teeth, forgot their lunches, needed a hug, or were just desperately wanting to tell me something. 

I'll see them all again, I'm sure...if not by actually going to the school for a visit, then around The Ville.  Lucky for me, we live in a small town.  I am forever running into people I know. 

My job might not have been the most glamorous, but I promise you that it was one of the most fulfilling.  I got to see over eight hundred kids every single day for the past four years.  I know for a fact that I made at least ONE difference in the life of one of them...I had the honor and privilege of leading a little girl (who is now in the 6th grade) who knew me from school, to the Lord at First Kids' Camp last summer.  And that one life was worth every negative thing I ever thought about my job. 

I would do it all over again...I have absolutely no regrets. 

I refuse to look back.  Starting tomorrow, I will only be looking ahead.  I cannot wait to begin this journey I feel God has called me to.  And you know I will keep all of you readers updated.  :-)  You'll probably wish I would shut up every once in a while, but you might just be the ones I express frustrations to. 

I hope you don't mind. 

Thanks for all the love and support and prayers you've sent my way over the past years.  And for my prayer warrior friends (you know who you are), thank you for all the prayers lately in this huge decision!  Never have I felt such amazing peace. 

I'll leave you with one of my favorite passages of Scripture:

Philippians 4:6&7 "Don't worry about anything.  Instead, pray about everything.  Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done.  Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.  His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." 

Love to all. 

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