Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day Weekend

We had a glorious weekend.  Jonah and Noah spent most of Friday night at their friend Elizabeth's house for her birthday party.  Graham and Drew hung around here with one of Drew's friends, Nate.  They played games, they jumped on the was fun for them all.  Todd and I watched some television and got caught up on some of our recorded shows. 

Saturday morning, we did this:

Watched some of my favorite kids play a game that we love.  :)  The Tigers added another win to their collection of them.  It was kind of cold Saturday morning, though.  And I was in capri's and a t-shirt with no jacket.  Brrrrrr!

The rest of the day I spent in the kitchen.  Literally.  Cleaning, cooking two different meals.  One meal I made in the crock pot for my kids and sister Trish to have.  It was barbecue chicken, mashed cheesy-ranch potatoes and roasted broccoli.  The other meal was beef enchiladas that I took for our Sunday school class party.  The chicken was good.  The enchiladas were not my favorite.  They didn't taste enough like Mexican food to me.  I followed the recipe, but should have played around with the spices a little more.


Today we went to church and out to lunch with Todd's parents.  I only had two choices: Rafferty's or Abner's.  Because of the Grizzlies game and the walls of tv's both establishments have.  I chose Rafferty's.  And look what Jonah got:

Jonah asked one of the waiter's if he could have his sweat band.  At first the guy was like, "Sure!  For $20."  But then all of a sudden, he took it off and gave it to Jonah!  How sweet was that?! 

He was proud. 

My day was spent being loved on by all the ones I love most.  I got cards (bought, and my favorite-homemade), gifts and I didn't have to cook.  Unless you consider heating up something in the microwave cooking...and I do not.  It was glorious. 

How was your weekend?

Love to all!

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