Thursday, April 19, 2012


I've started and stopped several posts this week.  I can't bring myself to finish one...this happens every once in a while, and I figure it's the times like that when I shouldn't be saying anything.  Keeping my mouth shut...something I'm not quite as good at as I used to be.

It's been another busy (yet uneventful) week.  Uneventful because nothing major has happened.  Busy because of Lacrosse and baseball.  Supposedly, Jonah's and Noah's first game is this Saturday.  Along with another of Graham's and Drew's Lacrosse games.  I'm not complaining, please don't take it that way, because I will be so sad to see Lacrosse end.  We're halfway thinking about letting them join a fall league, in fact...because once a year is too short! 

It's just been busy.  Crazy busy, in fact, but I know it's only for a little while.

I'm so excited for Jonah and Noah, though in my mind, I keep wondering how in the world I will make the transition from watching the exciting game of Lacrosse to watching a (boring and slow) game of baseball.  There is no comparison.  Lacrosse is addicting.  I would never say this to Jonah and Noah...all they know is how excited I am for them.  And I am!  These two sports are like night and day, though. 

Moving on now. 

My sweet hubby is staying home with the boys tomorrow night while my best friend and I go to dinner and a movie.  :-)  I think he's looking forward to actually being at home this week and sitting down before eight o'clock at night.  I don't know for sure where we're eating, but we're going to see The Lucky One.  :-)  I read that about a year was a night that Todd and I were out on a date.  We went into Barnes and Noble and when I stopped to read the cover and then put it back down, he bought it for me.  I love how sweet that gesture was...because he doesn't share my love for books at all. 

Anyway, I saw the preview for this with Amanda a long time ago, and we decided then and there that we would see this one together, too.  And Todd is considerate and is always encouraging me to get out. 

What has your week been like? 

Happy Thursday!  Love to all. 

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