Monday, April 2, 2012

a quick edition of random

I am having a hair crisis.  I'm totally thinking of chopping it all off.  Once again.  And thus the battle with hair continues.

I also desperately need to color greys are shining through but I'm waiting until it's cut.  I'm too cheap to buy two boxes of hair color.  Because for this mop at this length, it would take two.

Have you noticed how green the world is right now?  All of a sudden, everything was green again.  I love it.

I'm counting down until Friday.  I am dying to have a girls' night with my best friend.  :)

I need to find something to wear for Easter.  I also need to pick up something for the boys.  All 5 of them.

I'm very frustrated with the children that aren't mine right this second.  Very frustrated.

Today was a gift to kindergarten kids, no parent visitors this week and a 4 day week!  Woohoo!

Tomorrow is Drew's birthday...I cannot believe he is turning 12!!

Our amazing neighbor, Mr. Paul, is giving my boys tomato plants again.  I cannot believe his generosity and kindness...what a treasure that sweet man is.

This morning, Drew could have won the funniest home video award trying to chase Crash.  Poor Drew...not a good way to start off a Monday.

That's about all I have time for...happy Monday!  Love to all.

1 comment:

  1. I totally hear you about the gray hairs shining through. I had to remedy that little situation this week myself! :) I need to get a haircut next. And get these brows waxed. I feel like Andy Rooney! ;-)


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