Monday, April 2, 2012


is full of joy and life. 
loves to laugh, and is constantly cracking us up.
loves food as much as he loves me.
loves to share the nachos from McAllister's with Big Daddy.
plays defense for his lacrosse team something fierce.
is as gentle as a teddy bear.
has often been described as a bull in a china shop.  Since the age of eighteen months.
has a really good singing voice, but you won't ever hear it.
is very smart...although a little 'blond'. 
was told by a doctor when he was four that he was gifted.
loves girls and calls them 'spicy' (instead of 'hot').
has tons of friends.
has three best friends...Will, Nate and DC.
loves to read nonfiction time he read everything he could about Al Capone and Alcatraz.
loves to watch the theater and at home.
used to love The Incredibles.  It might still be one of his faves. 
had every single McDonald's toy from that movie...and still has them.
sleeps with my Prayer Bear.
is by far my most tenderhearted son. 
once cried during an animal abuse commercial.
prefers to be barefoot.
once got burned by a sparkler on his heel.
once stuck his finger into his Mimi's cigarette lighter (along with a Hershey's kiss wrapper) and got shocked.
loves to shake his booty.
cannot blow his nose without coughing his head off.
gives me kisses.  All the time.  :)  On my chin, my cheeks, my nose and my forehead.
loves when I talk baby to him.
talks baby back to me.
loves soft drinks, but his favorite is Dr. Pepper.
is amazing.
is Drew.

Happy birthday, my sweet Drew.  I love you so much and have thoroughly enjoyed the twelve years on this crazy journey called your life.  Thank you for the joy, the smiles, the laughs and the tenderhearted kindness that you show to everyone who comes across your path.  You will always be that cute kid who sang Up, Up and Away by Go Fish in my car...the same one who does impersonations at the drop of a hat and who is not afraid of showing his sensitive side. 

I hope this is the best birthday ever.  :)


  1. I think you need to clarify that Mimi's cigarette lighter was the one in the car that I use for a phone charger. I don't want people to think they learned something new about me! :-)

  2. It's still called a cigarette lighter!


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