Sunday, April 1, 2012


Yup.  That's how many posts. 

The rest of our weekend was really good.  Saturday we spent running errands that don't get run during the week (which was Todd's thing yesterday...and which I so appreciate) and cleaning.  I'm determined to de-clutter and organize my room at a time.  I'm also deeply cleaning each room.  Yesterday I worked in Graham's and Drew's room.  They helped.  Drew cleaned out their closet and threw away a bunch of junk, we got piles of books ready to donate and their clothes are all nicely put away. 

Graham cleaned their bathroom while Drew did the closet. 

I also cleaned my bathroom and our bedroom.  I always put those off, because by the time I get around to them I'm usually too tired to continue on in there.  I guess I figure that I'll get to it later.  

Then, later never comes.

Are you bad at procastinating?  I am sometimes.  Not all the time, but I am sometimes.  I tend to bargain with myself.  For instance I'll think to myself, "I can have two cups of coffee and check my email, then I need to get up and start moving."  And usually, it works. 

I always tell my kids that if they'll take a few minutes everyday to put away clothes and neaten their rooms, then it won't pile up on them, like it did on Graham and Drew yesterday. 

Also, as a general rule of thumb, I try to always keep my kitchen clean.  I don't like to see dishes in the sink and I try to have it cleaned each night before I go to bed. 

Anyway...I don't know why I wrote all that. 

We celebrated my dad's birthday last night.  He requested that we not give him presents...just cards.  So, we obliged.  The boys enjoyed playing in his huge yard, and after a yummy dinner of Mexican Chicken Casserole, they hunted for Easter eggs.  :)  You are never too old to hunt for Easter eggs...did you know that?

Today we went to church.  It was amazing...Geron Davis was there with a group that he sings with, Kindred Souls.  The music was phenomenal.  Brother Chuck preached an awesome message on The Cross.  By the end of the service, when the choir and Geron sang the last song, tears were rolling down my face.  The anointing was so real this morning...hence my tears.  I don't always cry in church, I promise, but I couldn't help it this morning.  I love times like that. 

This afternoon Drew had a lacrosse game against of THE toughest teams in the city, but it was against their B team.  But still.  We won!  The final score was 10-9, in our favor.  Amazing!  I was so proud of those boys.  They scared me at the end...I thought they were going to let MUS score to tie it, but the buzzer rang just in time. 

It's been a great weekend.  Our issue with un-sportsman-like conduct was least for today.  Although, we did sit alone.  ;-)  The icing on the cake for me this weekend was seeing one of my best friends, Christa and her hubby, Jason.  They came to the last half of Drew's game, then we went to Baskin Robbins to celebrate the win after.  They were in town for this weekend, and they stopped by to see us on their way back to Springfield.  It was so good seeing them...I miss that girl something fierce.  I cannot wait until June, and our vacation, so we can spend more time with them when we go to Branson. 

How was your weekend? 

Love to all. 

1 comment:

  1. Ummm... procrastination is actually my middle name! I am the worst about it, but I work best at the last minute. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend!
    Sorry for all the comments at once. Trying to catch up on my blog reading.


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Friday Favorites, 3.7.2025.

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