Monday, March 19, 2012

Catching Up

If you're my friend on Facebook, you know that we came home from our camping trip one day early.  We were scared of a rainstorm that was headed toward us, so while the temp was cool and the breeze was blowing, we packed up and headed out.  We got a little wet, since the rain couldn't quite hold off, but we were none the worse. 

I was thankful to have a whole extra day to get my house back in order.  Camping is so much fun.  But it is SO MUCH WORK.  The laundry is still not completed, and just yesterday (around 4:30), the last of the bags finally got unpacked and put back away. 

First Kids Church was so good yesterday.  The kids were strangely quiet and reverent as Mr. Craig explained how nothing could ever separate them from the love of God.  (Romans 8:35, 37-39)  For some reason, their reverence moved me to tears...and even now as I write this, my eyes are welling up.  The praise and worship was beautiful as the kids sang and signed the songs we sang.  I love Jesus so much...and I am so thankful for some amazing kids' church leaders that invest so much love and time into these precious little ones. 

The long awaited day finally arrived and last night, Lisa, Tricia and I went to The Orpheum to see Tyler Perry's Madea Gets A Job.  He was amazing.  We had dinner at a Mexican restaurant before we headed downtown.  It was a great night...and I think I smiled the entire time.  The man preached at the end...he was throwing out Bible verses left and right, and after the show had ended, they broke out in concert. 



Today is life back to normal.  I woke up (a little) late, made lunches and breakfast and now, here I sit.  Graham and Drew are playing on their brand new 4th generation iPod touches, and Crash is begging to go outside and chase a squirrel.  Thank You, Lord, for routine.  This morning I will be spending my time catching up on my Bible reading and planning our meals for this week. 

I got behind on my Bible reading over Spring break.  :-(  I'm determined that by tomorrow I will be caught back up. 

My newest nail color is's called Louvre Me...Louvre Me Not.  :) 

I am reading a really good Danielle Steele book right now called 44 Charles Street.  I feel like such a daytime diva reading her books, but man, it's good. 

I still have not seen The Help and really want to watch it!  I know...I'm so behind. 

Well...I need to get ready to take the boys to the middle school.  I hope all of you have a good Monday.  Love to all!

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