Monday, February 6, 2012


I'm thankful for:

*sunshine, so Crash can play to his little heart's content in the back yard.
*kids that give me little things to make my day good!  I have one little fourth grader in mind...
*making my kids' lunch in a way that makes them smile.
*seeing them laugh and have fun at school.  We're blessed.
*a fast day at work!  And uneventful, too.
*God's presence...and giving me more of an attitude of gratitude than grumpiness.
*kids who hug me at work.
*a husband who will go to a meeting because he knows I hate confrontation!
*the way that God reminds me of my commitment to being a better, more Godly wife.
*a washer and dryer that work!  Graham came home with some funky clothes from the birthday party out in the woods.
*a freezer with food inside of it.  I pulled tonight's dinner out this morning.
*sunshine!  Have I mentioned that?

What are you thankful for on this beautiful Monday??

Love to all!

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