Wednesday, February 22, 2012

pity party anyone?

I really shouldn't have a blog about the pity party I feel like having, but I'm gonna.  And yes, I know that sentence is not correct.  I don't want to talk about it.

I was sad tonight when I walked into my Bible study group.  There were maybe twelve women in there and when I walked in they all turned around...and then didn't say one.single.word. to me.  Not one.  They don't even know my name and have never asked to know it.  Even though I've asked many of theirs.  I almost cried for the friends I left behind at First Assembly.  In fact, even as I write that last sentence, my eyes are welling up with tears. 

Then my sweet friend Ginger walked in and sat beside me in the front row.  (We're the favorites.  HA.  Just kiddin'.  Kinda.  Although we are the ones that answer most of the questions and talk the most.)  When I told her how sad that made me, she leaned over and me and hugged me.  Whew.  Gettin' all teary again. 

Our facilitator wasn't there tonight.  Usually I would just talk to her and Ginger, but I beat Ginger there and Lori is about to be birthing a grandbaby.  Well.  Not herself, but you get my drift. 

Another friend, Andrea, walked in and Ginger and I talked to her, too.  She was there with the dvd so we could get started.  And she hugged me, too. 

I guess the reason I'm laying this all out here (other than to show you that I have sad/bad days) is to let you know that as much as I love our new place of worship, I desperately miss things about my old church, Memphis First Assembly of God.  I miss the friendships that I had there.  I'm working so hard to make new ones in my new place of worship, but it takes time.  And honestly, after tonight, I'm a little discouraged.  Kind of a lot discouraged, honestly. 

I love my Bible study on the book of James, but as much as I love it, I get the feeling that many women who are doing it are participating just to be participating.  Or maybe to hear Beth Moore speak.  I don't know if they don't care to do the homework and grow spiritually, or if they just don't like it, or what.  For someone like me, who is doing it to grow closer to God and to become more Christ like, it is sad that they are not as thrilled with it as I have been. 

And that last sentence makes me miss my friend, Norma, who facilitated our Bible studies at F/A.  She got every bit as excited as I did over a good Bible study and a fresh word from God. 

Maybe I'm wrong in my speculations (and that is all they are).  Maybe I'm not. 

But tonight, as I write this, my heart hurts for the old friendships I left behind.  Not that they're still not my friends.  They always will be...I just don't get to see them anymore.  My dad and I often talk of how things like this are going to make Heaven so amazing.  Imagine all the people we'll see again...ones who have gone on before us, and friends that we had here on earth, maybe to never be seen again in this earthly realm. 

Please excuse me, as I am super emotional tonight.  I wanted to share a little glimpse of how sometimes I can be really insecure in who I am.  I know WHOSE I am, and I know my hope and confidence should only come from Him, but sometimes I have nights like this.  I'm not saying we're going to go back to our old church.  We're not.  We're going to tough it out and cultivate relationships here that will be similar to what we left behind at First Assembly.  Not exactly the same, but similar.  I hope.  Surely, right?

I know that tonight is just what I titled this...a pity party.  And I'll be fine.  I'll get past this and the next time I write, things will be great again. 

It's just that sometimes, girls need a good cry.  Thanks for letting me have mine on here.

Love to all.  


  1. It's good that you're willing to be honest with yourself, and even willing to share it with us. That is brave. As soon as I read the title of this post, I thought of what I just read in "Jesus Calling" this morning. It said, "Be on guard against the pit of self-pity....When you are occupied with praising and thanking Me, it is impossible to feel sorry for yourself." I write this to you not to criticize, but to encourage you. We all have times of self-pity. We are human. But it seems that you know, by what you write, that keeping your focus on growing closer to God and praising him, you can keep a safe distance from "the pit of self-pity." Let's face it, it's just hard to be sad when you're singing praises to God and dwelling on Who He is and what He has done for us. I hope it gets better for you and that you are able to have treasured friendships in your new place of worship and community.

  2. You are not alone! I definitely have felt the same way. I take things like this very personally (when someone doesn't speak to me, or even acknowledge my existence). I love you friend!!!

  3. Thank you so much, Christy! I read your facebook status this morning and thought, "Man, I wish I'd seen that last night!" It's so true...when we take our eyes off ourselves, we focus more on God...and vice versa. Things turned around in my time at church last night, I was just so caught off guard at the flood of emotions that hit me when it happened. It kind of surprised me, because I haven't felt that way in the months we've been going there. I was so thankful for my sweet friend who hugged me...God often reveals Himself to me through others, and that was one Ginger's hug.

    I still get teary thinking about it! He is so good to faithful to supply all of our needs...ALL of them, including this dark moment. Beauty from ashes, right?

    Thank you again for your encouragement!

    Shari...thank you! I love you!

  4. Ok friend, this one is hitting home with me. We are actually struggling with the decision of wheter or not to change churches. I LOVE LOVE my church, but the children's activities are limited, and I feel like the best thing for my kids is to move. I have been going to MOMS at your church, and actually grew up in that church, and that is where all of Weston's friends are, but the thought of leaving Fisherville makes me sick to my stomach. New place, new SS class (which I dread the most), new (some old) friends. I am just not sure. Just praying about it:) And by the way, we are all SO allowed a pity party sometimes. Hope things get better for you :))


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