Monday, February 20, 2012

my afternoon in the kitchen

The weather today was beautiful, and Graham and Drew spent most of the afternoon outside.  We went to lunch (Jonah and Noah were at their friend Andy's house), then to the library, then to pick up Drew's friend, Will. 

After they spent the entire weekend together.

Anyway, I dropped them all off at home and headed to the grocery store.  I know...the story of my life. 

I bought lots of goodies, and I had HUGE intentions when I got home.  I wanted to unpack everything (after all those boys hauled everything in from my car) and put it all away, then I wanted to take care of breakfast and lunch for all of this week.  So, I did. 

I made blueberry and chocolate chip muffins for breakfast.

And yes, there is one missing.  Someone just had to sample them as they cooled. 

I wanted to rinse and slice the strawberries I picked up for my sweet Noah.

I wanted to rinse and take off the vine the luscious grapes that were marked down $1.49.  Kroger is starting to redeem themselves.  A little. 

A little bruised, but who cares?  They will only last until Wednesday.  Maybe. 

I also wanted to peel the skin off and slice the kiwi that Drew loves. 

I also needed to make chicken salad for Graham, and tuna for Drew and Noah. 

I didn't take a close up.  It was already in the container, ready to refrigerated.  I also made their lunches for tomorrow, with the exception of their drinks, and I got dinner completely ready to put into the oven the second we walked in the door from Lacrosse practice. 

It was a busy afternoon!  I spent a grand total of three hours in the kitchen, doing all this.  I also straightened my pantry, made more tea, cleaned out the leftovers that never got eaten from last week, loaded the dishwasher, did another load of laundry, not to mention boiling the eggs for the tuna and then making all this stuff. 

It's so easy to eat better when you take the time to prepare the food.  Not that I'm encouraging three hours, but I had nothing else to be doing at the time.  And I'm not saying we eat perfectly healthy...I'm just trying to buy less processed and more "real".  And I love being in my kitchen.  My radio in there makes me the time fly by, and I love doing all this while singing and looking out my enormous kitchen window.  It's a happy place for me, my kitchen. 

And just so that you don't feel bad....this usually never happens.  It might if I had Monday's off, but I don't.  Today the kids were out of school and last week I was home with Graham. 

How was your day? 

Love to all. 

1 comment:

  1. You are such an awesome mom!! I feel like a total slacker now!! You have inspired me to spend a little more time preparing healthy snacks for the kids. :)


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