After I drop all the kids off every morning, I run back home and dig into God's word. I LOVE this time...much more than I ever dreamed I would, and if I miss a day, then I'm sad. There is nothing as important as having one on one time with God. In fact, the more time I have with Him, the nicer I am.
Imagine that.
I've heard so many times since my kids were little to never neglect myself. I think what the articles that I've read mean by that phrase is taking the time to pamper yourself. And there is nothing wrong with doing just that occasionally. I do think there is something terribly wrong with those of us who know and love and serve the Lord, yet never take the time to be alone with Him.
Especially when we have ample opportunities.
I lived that way for so long. I would long to know God more, but I would never crack open my Bible. I would flip mindlessly through the pages, but without any plan in mind to start reading. I've done devotions, and those were good for a while, but I've reached the point in my life that I don't want anything except God's word. I don't want a sweet, flowery story...I want knowledge. I want to know Him better. I want to know more about what some of the things in the Bible mean.
After browsing my Youversion ap on my cell phone, I came across the Chronological Bible. I am history kind of gal, and I think that this way, how it is read in order, makes more sense to the way my brain works. I'm actually reading it, and I'm absorbing it. That is huge for me. Before, I would read it and not get it. This time around, it's sinking in.
I've been reading in Exodus the past several days. There's some great stuff in this book. A lot of it is about Moses being used by God. Ever since chapter 25 (I think) it's been very meticulous in all the description of details. But I'm still truckin' on.
Today I read a couple verses that jumped out at me. I thought I would share.
Exodus 34:6 says, "the LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin."
Think about those words...slow to anger. Compassionate and gracious. Abounding in love and faithfulness. My heart was pounding as I read and rewrote those words in my journal. He is so good.
The next verse was from the same chapter (34) verse 14 and says, "Do not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God."
I think that jumped out because sometimes I put other things first in my life. Things like checking emails. Writing on this blog. Posting on Facebook.
Get my drift?
It's been a (somewhat) painful and eye-opening experience, this plan of reading the Bible everyday. There have been days that I've missed, and there have been days that I've read more than just that one day's. I am learning...I am getting it...and hopefully, God is changing me through His word.
Isn't that what it's all about? Changing to be more like Him? And telling people about Him that don't know Him?
Thanks for reading what was on my mind. Love to all.
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I am loving my time with God on a daily basis now too. I have enough time to really sit with Him now that both of my boys are in school, and it's wonderful! It's great when we can find what we need at a particular time in our life where we are open to hear what God has to say to us, if we will just seek Him and listen. I'm glad the chronological Bible plan is working for you. For me, right now, I'm going through different books in the Bible, a chapter at a time, as well as the Proverbs 31 devotions and the book "Jesus Calling." It's my first time through that book, and it amazes me every day how God speaks to me through all 3 of these things! My prayer life has flourished as well! I'm just loving it! (And really needing it!)