Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday & The Weekend

I had this great idea last night to take pictures of all my favorite Super Bowl I did, then I emailed them all to myself.  The plan was to then download them to my computer and upload them to the blog.  Well, guess what?  I emailed myself nothing.  And I already erased them from my phone. 

So much for that, right?

I enjoyed the commercials from the comfort of my own home last night...all by myself.  I won't say I was lonely, was actually quite nice.  I was also reading my book at the same time (The Hunger Games), so when the commercials came on, I put the book down to watch.  :)  I enjoyed myself...don't judge. 

The weekend was spent with friends and with our little immediate family.  It was amazing.  We had our neighbors and dearest friends over, the Dickson's, Saturday night.  I made a yummy grown-up version of pigs'n'blankets.  I used cheesy bratwursts and coated them in a butter/mustard/worcestershire sauce/poppy seed sauce.  So amazing.  Too bad they're all gone, or I'd show you. 

I've been in an anti-social mood this weekend.  Except for Saturday when the neighbors came over, but I don't have to try to impress them.  :)  I don't know why I've been like this, either.  Hopefully today that will change, since I'm about to go to work.  I love the people I work with, so I don't want to seem like I'm all in crazy mood. 

I am thankful that this is a short week!  And today the sun is shining.  I finished my book.  I caught up on reading the greatest Book of all.  And now, I must go. 

Happy to all!

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