Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Wednesday!

I love this day of the week.  It's right in the middle, and after this day is the downhill slide to the weekend. 

Speaking of weekend, we've had some changes in our original plans.  The kids were originally going to attend Disciple Now at our church, but that isn't happening anymore.  They're okay with it...too many things kept popping up during that same weekend, so they decided not to participate.

This weekend is another long weekend!  We're off Monday for Presidents' day.  I am going to have to come up with something fun and wonderful for us to do together.  Which really shouldn't be all that difficult.  :)

I only have two more weeks of our Bible study.  While I love completing a study, I hate seeing a good one end.  This one has been good.  Way better than just "good".  I love learning stuff and then taking the time to apply it.  It makes me feel smarter.  Especially in the eyes of my Jesus.  I aim to live for Him. 

Last night was really good.  Our practices got cancelled because of wet fields, so we ended up at home.  I was able to cook dinner at a leisurely pace, instead of frantically trying to finish, and when I found out that we would be spending the afternoon and evening at home, I took the opportunity to change into my favorite comfy clothes.  I love nights like that. 

The kids got all sugared up on their candy from us, and then on Aunt Lisa's (she stopped by to bring them sweet is that??), and they ran an errand with their dad.  Actually, the relaxing part was only on my end.  Todd had to work a little later than he thought, and when he got home he had to sort and organize jerseys for 5/6th grade lacrosse.  Then he had to run the extras to the 7/8th grade president's house. 

That was when the boys were gone.  Except for Noah.  He and I stayed back, and while he created and made himself a hat, I read my book.  :)  I'm almost finished with Janet Evanovich's number eighteen.  This is the first time in YEARS that I've been caught up on her novels, and the first time I've had to wait on the next one in I can't even tell you when. 

Sad, huh?

How was your night?  Last night was nothing special...except if you're me.  It was a normal night for us...and that was what was so perfect about it.  I know too many people that only wish they had husbands and kids to celebrate with.  I pray I never take mine for granted. 

Today is a new day, and for this I am thankful.  We have church tonight, and I feel like I have lots to look forward to.  Do you? 

Have a great day and love to all!


  1. Your night sounds a bit like mine. I didn't cook dinner though. Jeremy took Tyler to baseball while Tucker and I stayed home and waited for them to come back. And they brought pizza home. :) I was surprised with 2 dozen beautiful red roses that were delivered while they were gone. That was a surprise because we don't really do Valentine's Day. But it's always nice to get flowers. They're really pretty. I've also been trying to catch up on reading my Karen Kingsbury books. I could sit and read those ALL day! Glad you enjoyed your evening! Have a good one today!

  2. Christy, how sweet! It IS always nice to be surprised with flowers...and such a great example for our young men to see!

    I love her books so much...I'm wanting to re-read a couple of my favorites, Even Now and Ever After, but I can't find one. I have also re-read Oceans Apart and am thinking about re-reading the Redemption series. That's why I like to buy them...I usually end up reading them again!

    Enjoy your evening! Happy reading!


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the Wednesday hodgepodge

  Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with Joyce today for the weekly hodgepodge. I always love this day of blog reading, and I ho...