Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Few More of My Favorite Things

Wednesday's are awesome, because we are halfway through our week!  I don't rush through my life, normally, but during the school week I am always counting down until we're all together again on the weekend.  :)

My electric griddle.  It's a plug-in thing that Todd bought four years ago on one of our vacations.  I make so many things on this thing!  Sausage, bacon, grilled sandwiches, French toast, pancakes, hamburgers, hot dogs, fried eggs are just a few.  I love it so much that I'm on griddle #2.  It's easy to clean (it has a nonstick surface) and I store it in its box behind our kitchen table.  I use it too much to put it away.

Moroccan oil.  Click here if you want to see what it looks like.  I put it in my hair to tame the frizz, and I rub it all over my neck and on my hands.  I could drink this stuff it smells so good.  The kind I'm using right now is not actually this brand, but it's similar.  It smells heavenly.

Cerave moisturizing cream.  I'll give you the link to this is well.  Just click here.  My mom had bought this for herself and didn't care for it so she gave it to me.  Since using it, my dry skin has not been so dry and itchy.  I have horrible dry skin all over my face and my hands.  I wash my face with hot water and then use this moisturizer.  Simple, easy, and for me, it works. 

Time with Graham and Drew in the mornings.  I love being able to pray with them in the car before dropping them off.  Today's request from Drew: all of middle school has a writing assessment today.  He's writing about his role model, and he's unsure of what he's going to write about. 

Unfortunately, this is all I have time for...gotta run them to school for FCA.  Happy Wednesday and love to all!

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