Saturday, February 18, 2012


Facebook has good qualities and bad qualities.  I would say that one good quality is keeping up with family and friends who live out of town.  Like my sister, Debi, whom I would love to see where she lives since we haven't been there yet.  Facebook allows me to do just that. 

I have gotten back in touch with family that I haven't seen in forever.  Like my niece, Amanda. 

I've gotten back in touch with dear friends from my childhood, like my friend Stacy. 

In the midst of all the good, though, there also lies evil just waiting for us.  I heard someone say just recently that Facebook was causing divorces.  The temptation is easy for people to try and look someone up from their past.  Especially if they're treading rough waters in their marriage. 

Another bad thing is the way it can make your head swell with pride.  Pride is such an evil thing...and something that all of us struggle with.  For example, you put out a great status update...and you keep checking back to see how many people "liked" it. 

Sound familiar?  Am I stepping on toes?  Trust me...I have already stepped on mine in writing this. 

All this to say that I came across a great picture that someone put on their Facebook profile today.  I quickly "shared" it on my own wall...because it makes you think.  I thought I would share it with you.

Does it?  Do we serve and honor the Lord with what is on our Facebook pages? 

It makes you think, doesn't it?

Love to all. 

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