Sunday, January 8, 2012


I was in church this morning singing (in the congregation) and thinking at the same time.  (I know, am I talented, or what??)

Some of the songs I really liked...and some of them were so-so. 

But do you pay attention to the songs you sing in church?  If not, you should!  Once I got past the actual song and started paying attention to the words, I was instantly more worshipful. 

Isn't that strange, how that works?  Worship is an active verb (at least to me it is), and I have to remind myself of that quite often.  Does anything hinder you from worshiping?  The types of songs you sing?  The volume?  The people around you?  I challenge you to focus more intently on what you're singing...and if any of the above things hinder you...see how it goes away when you focus on the words. 

Our church sings lots of hymns. 

Yup, these kinds.  

At first I kind of didn't like it.  Because I come from a church that is known city-wide for their music.  And changing to a church that sings hymns really got to me.  But then I tried to redirect my thinking and tried to really appreciate more of what we were singing.  I am thankful that my kids will know hymns now.  When before, they did not.  Even if it's a little old-fashioned, sometimes, that's a good thing. 

Needless to say, I enjoyed church today.  The songs, the preaching, Sunday school...seeing friends. 

That's one of the best parts.  One friend, in particular, I haven't seen since the Sunday before Christmas.  I just love her to pieces.  When I was walking by our kids' church room, I saw her and had to sneak in for a hug.  

I haven't known her for very long, but I feel like she is a true friend.  We connected at kids' camp last summer, and she just wriggled her way right into my heart.  Apparently the children's pastor knew that she would, because he put us together.  Every week or two I really miss her if I don't see her, so today I was thrilled that she (and her sweet husband) was back.  Words can't explain what this precious friend means to me...but her and her sweet family are just amazing. 

Sometimes it's just good to draw on someone for encouragement.  Maybe that's what she is to me...although, I try to be more of that for her!  Funny how that works...we seem to draw it from one another.  I consider her one of my gifts in life.  :)

Who can you do this for this week?

Find someone!  There is always someone in need of this...but if you feel like you can't, don't feel bad.  Maybe you should stand back and receive some encouragement.  I will try to be that for you this week...on my blog, on Facebook...any way I can.  If there is any way that I can pray for you, please comment on here...or you can email me at  I would be honored to do that for you this week. 

Another thing I love to do is this:

Yup.  I am a self proclaimed hugger.  I love to give them, I love to receive them, and I consider myself a great one.  Hugger, that is.  I hold on tight...and cling to that moment.  I don't ever think about it...I just do it.  I hug all my friends without even thinking about it...I sure hope they don't mind!  I hug my mom, my dad, my sisters, my in-laws, coworkers...the list could go on.  I love to hug people, most of all my husband and kids.  We've made them into snuggly little fellows and I love it. 

How do you connect with people? 

How do you handle them when they don't connect the same way you do?  Like sometimes people just do not hug.  I have felt really dumb a time or two...or three, but I got over it. 

Find someone and connect with them this week!  I wish you all the best.  Love to all!

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