Friday, January 20, 2012

what's up?

I love mornings.  LOVE them.  I have always been a morning person.  I get the most accomplished in the least amount of time.  Once I eat lunch, I'm not so great.  Maybe I would be if I stayed home more, but since I don't...well, you get the drift. 

The thing I love most about my mornings right now is the quiet time I've been practicing.  Since December 30th, I have made a concentrated effort to have at least 30 minutes of quiet in the morning.  It's not necessarily the first thing I do, but once I am awake and my mind is alert, I read my Bible plan for the day and pray.  And journal...I've gotten away from the art of journaling, and since I got a new one for Christmas, I have picked it back up. 

Turns out I have much to write about. 

I write out what I've read for the day (I'm reading the chronological Bible in a year), and I write out prayers.  Personal stuff.  Why do I do this?  Because I want my husband and kids to know how much I pour over their sweet names in prayer and in Scripture.  Their names are also all over my Bible. 


Because should anything ever happen to me, I want them to have these letters from me.  And I want each of my sons to have at least one of my Bibles. 

I am now marking up Bible number four. 

Added to this blessed time of Bible reading, I've also been completing my Bible study homework.  I'm participating in Beth Moore's newest: James: Mercy Triumphs.  I love it.  I feel like it was written just for me.  Especially today's homework, which was all about wisdom. 

The good Lord knows I need it.  I'm seeking Him in a couple of areas right now, and it's like He timed this perfectly.  I know He did. 

So that's what I've been doing in the mornings.  I love this time and am unwilling to part with even one of my precious mornings.  What have you been up to this week?  Comment, and share the love. 

Love to all. 


  1. Jennifer-have you read 'Letters to Karen' by Charlie W. Shedd? I have not, but my precious co-worker just mentioned this book to me today, and then your blog reminded me of her comments on the book. I think there was another book he wrote to his son, 'Letters to Phillip' or something like that. Love, love, love your posts!!
    Jennifer T.

  2. Jenn,
    Keep up the writing! I love your openess and transparency! I, too, love mornings with my Lord, and my afternoons with Him, and my nights...oh, and those middle of the nights when I can't sleep. Well, you get the point ;)Love you!

  3. Thank you, Jen and Christie! I have not read that book, but I will check it out. Sounds good!, too!!! I was just nailing down once specific time, though. ;) Isn't it funny how we might not see each other that often but how closely related we are? You are truly my sister in Christ! Love you!!!


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog!

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