Monday, January 9, 2012

weekend recap

It was amazing, this weekend we had.  They usually are.  I love family time!  Even if we don't "do" anything, I just love us all being together at home.  I even love that the dogs and cats are a part of us.  :)

Friday night Drew had a friend spend the night.  Nate the great, as I still call years into knowing him.  Once Nate got here, Graham, Drew, Jonah, Noah, Nate and I all headed up to church.  It was Go Fish night at church.  (Go Fish is a free event for kids in first-fifth grade.  It lasts from 6-9 and they get pizza, play games and make their own ice cream sundaes.  This go round, the kids played Minute To Win It.)  I had signed us up to help...Graham, Drew, and I.  And Nate.  He helped, too. 

It was amazing!  I love helping out at these...because, ultimately, it's this event that led us to this church.  I don't mind working all of them to give back and show my appreciation for all the time and effort that Austin and his crew put into it to make a night like that happen.  Guess how many kids came???  211.  Guess how many adults came to help?  50.  I know, right??  There were so many people there, that all of us ladies that did registration and check-out just stayed put.  We weren't needed anywhere else. 

Jonah and Noah took their friend Myles with them from next door.  He stayed with the third grade group because he was a little nervous about not knowing anybody.  I love when I see the two littles being a good friend to someone.  I told them to not leave Myles' side the entire night...and they didn't.  Even when they went to the restroom.  Funny, huh? 

Saturday was spent at home, tinkering around here.  I did some laundry, took a long, leisurely shower and repainted my fingernails.  I also loaded the dishwasher, started the dishwasher, unloaded the dishwasher and restarted it.  Seriously.  I am ashamed.  We might need to consider firing our maid...she is getting behind on her daily duties. 

We went to my Mom's Saturday night.  I put her to work after we had dinner.  :)  She cut Graham's and Drew's hair and mended Noah's jacket.  I love having a resourceful mom!  I didn't intend on asking her to cut their hair, but the boys had asked me about it, and she jumped all over it.  They look so much better...not as mop-ish as they did when we first went over there. 

Sunday morning we went to church.  It was a great service.  Afterward, Graham went home with his friend Gavin, and the rest of us went to Lenny's for lunch.  We came home, I took a nap, Todd and Drew headed to Drew's Lacrosse practice, then everyone came back home.  Well, Jonah and Noah alternated between being in our backyard to Travis' and Katie's house next door.  We had breakfast for dinner, and the boys played the XBOX the rest of the night. 

It was fabulous.  (And I almost finished my book...plan on doing that today.) 

Don't you just love weekends?  Family time?  I do.  Too bad they don't last longer. 

Happy Monday!  Love to all. 


  1. Thank you! Did you see the comment on yours? I cannot believe you're pulling for LSU disappointed. I thought we liked one another! ;-)

    Roll Tide!


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