Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday Update

It's been a great weekend.  Lots of family time, a little bit of friends...the perfect amount.  Friday night, my Mom, sisters, Tricia and Lisa, and I went to see One For The Money.  My Mom, Lisa and I have been reading Janet Evanovich's books for seventeen years.  We're up to reading number seventeen right now, although number eighteen was just released.  So, of course, we had to go see the movie.  

I liked it, although, I'm seeing on Facebook that most people didn't.  It's a movie that was made from a book, so my expectations weren't all that high.  But I was pleasantly surprised, and let's face it...I don't see many movies, so most movies I see, I like.  :)  In my opinion, they cost too much.  I love seeing them, but I do not love spending that money.  

After the movie, I came home and did this:

I went back to being brunette.  This is very close to my natural hair color, judging from the two inch roots I had showing.  I had gotten WAY too blond, and although I loved the highlights at first, I am tired of keeping up with them.  I think I'm ready to stay one color for a nice long while.  We'll see.  It actually looks a little darker than this in person, so it's a little shocking, but I like it.  I am counting on kids asking, "Mrs. Goodwin, why did you paint your hair???" tomorrow.  Gotta love kids!

Yesterday, Todd, Graham, Drew and Nate (my 5th son) went to Lacrosse practice.  I sat around and did laundry and read.  So much for cleaning the upstairs.  Hmph.  The good thing is that the mess isn't going why the pressure to clean right away?

Jonah and Noah did a lot of this:

I love when they use their little imaginations.

When we started getting hungry (around eleven), we were watching a cooking show, my new fave, The Pioneer Woman.  I was inspired to make French toast.  As I went into the pantry to get the ingredients, I found this:

(Yes the shelf paper is from the eighties, and no my entire pantry does not look like this.  This is the chip/cookie shelf.)

Jonah lost his little puppy dog and I found it in the pantry.  Makes sense, right?

Lunch was yummy.  So was the dinner we had at my mom's house.  It's been a good weekend.  It's almost time to get back to the real world.  Tonight, Drew has to finish writing about his science fair project.  It's due Thursday, and the only thing I want him to have to do is to assemble it to the project board.  I think he can handle that deadline.  Why on earth they feel the need to make a science fair project a requirement is beyond me.  Most kids can't do it all alone...although Drew is.  And Graham did last year.  I am all about them being independent for school.  We don't help much, unless it's to explain something.

How has your weekend been?

Enjoy what's left of it!  Love to all. 

1 comment:

  1. I loved this post, especially finding the puppy in the pantry. I can identify with that. :) So glad you had a good weekend!


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