Wednesday, January 11, 2012


We all have them...reactions, that is.  Sometimes I am really quick to react in a certain situation.  Usually when that happens, I know that I have not done or said the right thing. 

Other times, I take a long, deep breath and then pray.  :)  Because when I ask for God to give me the words, He does.  Just because it happens like that doesn't mean I want to scream.  I usually do, but it slowly fades. 

These times, these instances that cause my reactions are good lessons.  Lessons in patience, lessons in how to remain calm, lessons in humility...all of these things are things to learn from. 

Some days I learn a lot.  :( 

Some days I forget to pray this verse that I love to pray:

"May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in Your sight O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer."  (Psalm 19:14)

Some days my intentions are taken the wrong way. 

Some days I might seem like I'm boasting. 

And then I remember that verse...the one that says (something to the extent of) "if I boast in one thing, may it be in the Lord".  And then I have to apologize. 

Even when it might be something I've done or said unintentionally.  (I always tell my kids, "Even if it's an accident, you STILL have to say you're sorry!")  Same thing applies to me. 

I am human.  I am flawed.  But still...I am loved by the Lord.  All of us are...thankfully, He doesn't require that we be "good enough" for His love...His love just IS

How do you react?

Love to all. 

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