Saturday, January 7, 2012

Blogging with Pictures

I told my friend that I would try and blog more with pictures.  So, Shari, this is for you.  (Even if it is a pain in the rump!) 

This little (well, not so little anymore) puppy just might be the death of me.  I spend my time divided between loving him to pieces and being mad at him.  This morning, at 9:57, he has already earned his name...Evil Knievel.  That's what Jonah calls him half the time anyway...E.K.  I am looking forward to two milestones with him: obedience school and having him "fixed".  I pray that those two things calm his little happy self down.

Tricia, I promised that I wouldn't post this on Facebook.  And I didn't.  But I think this picture of my sister is the cutest thing ever.  I love the hat she's wearing, and I love the fact that she was freezing when it was taken, so she pulled her hoodie up over her hat.  I caught her when she was laughing...which I'm pretty sure we were laughing at her...and I just love the look on her face.  Like, "OOPS!".  This was taken on New Year's Day...she had ridden out to my Mom's house with us and was subjected to sitting next to some smelly boys for the ride out there and back. 

This is a motivational thing we have going on at school right now.  Although, I'm of the belief that kids should be sweet and helpful ALL the time, I am proud that Jonah got his name on the board.  It happened before Christmas, in his own classroom.  People in the school (teachers, assistants, cafeteria people, principals) wear a Dragon Diamond Award necklace around their neck everyday.  If they catch someone doing a good deed, they give them their necklace.  They have their name put onto this board, and the student gets to pick an award.  The awards are helping in the cafeteria, helping in gym, assisting a pre-school class, eating lunch with a friend...things like that.  Pretty cool. 

Jonah got his name put on here before Christmas.  His class had an auction one day before the break, and Jonah had lots of money (they earn "money" for good behavior, too) leftover.  His friend wanted to buy his sister a puppy a calendar for Christmas but had run out of money.  Jonah offered to buy it for him.  His teacher saw this and took off her Dragon Diamond Award and gave it to him.  She was all teary about it, too...and of course I was too as she told me about it later.  :)  He picked assisting the gym teacher as his reward...and he got to do that on Thursday. 

I know the quality is kinda bad, but this hot air balloon was flying over our school Thursday morning.  Cool, huh?  I think Jonah took this picture. 

Can you read what kind of car this is?  It's a Chevy Impala.  This illustrious person (who cut me off, by the way) thought it would be super fun to add a "P" to the word "Impala"...thus making it a Pimpala.  I know, right?  And yes, I totally took this picture as proof.  And then called my sister Trish to tell her about it, laughing hysterically.  ONLY IN MEMPHIS

Isn't this cool?  This was taken last night at Collierville First Baptist church.  There is a HUGE cross that can be seen for miles around, and the kids wanted to hop out of the car to go stand underneath it.  Noah wanted to take a picture, so I gave him my phone, and this is how it turned out.  Pretty cool, huh?  I might have a future photography-lover on my hands. 

Well...this is our week in a nutshell.  With pictures.  Ahem, Shari.  :)  Enjoy your weekend...I know we will!  Love to all!


  1. YAY! I think this is my fav post of yours in a long time. I LOVE your pics and stories! :)
    WAY TO GO JONAH! How cool that he got his name up there. Kendall gets little rewards in class sometimes for kindness, but I don't think she has her name on the wall yet.
    That Pimpala is cracking me up!! You are right, only in Memphis!
    Thanks for all the pics! LOVE them!

  2. :) I thought you might like it. Kendall is sweet ALL the time...I hope she's okay if her name hasn't been up there. I told my boys not to ever expect it b/c they're always sweet and because I work there...but Beth said she HAD to give it to Jonah that day. Some kids have had their names up there twice...which I don't think is right, but they don't ask my opinion.

    Is that Pimpala not a hoot??? I died laughing.

    Happy Saturday, my friend!


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