Thursday, December 1, 2011

Goings On

Happy Thursday!  We are officially on countdown mode till the weekend.  :)  Are you?  I feel like I'm always counting down to something...although, I promise, I am NOT trying to rush through this life of mine!  I'm usually counting down until we're out of school.  Like for the weekend, a long break, or summer...stuff like that.  I love being with my family.  Bet you didn't know that, huh?

I'm so excited about the parade tomorrow night.  Even though it will be freezing.  That just makes it better!!!  We will definitely be loading up on the blankets, gloves, coats, and hats.  I'm sure Todd will be dressed up in his hunting coveralls.  I love that man.  I love him even more because he is manly and he is a redneck.  I tell him all the time that he's my favorite.  :) 

So after yesterday's fun with Beth Sansone's Elf on a shelf, I'm totally thinking about buying one.  I had way too much fun messing up her classroom!  I'm hoping they're still then I can home and mess up some things downstairs before all the kiddos get home from school.  I'm pretty sure I can enlist Graham and Drew to help me.  They love doing stuff like that now that they're older and know "the secret". 

So, Graham and Drew keep talking me into driving them to school in the mornings.  And I keep giving in.  Not that I mind.  I actually enjoy the extra time with them in the mornings, and they enjoy not having to rush to get out the door.  I guess next year, they'll just be car riders all the time.  Since they'll be in a new (farther away) school. 

You will be pleased to learn that our puppy is doing better.  For the moment.  He really is a cute little thing, and I love the joy he brings my husband and boys.  Todd, especially, LOVES him.  He told me so last night.  As the pup was asleep on his chest, snoring quietly.  I think even Andy the Wonder Dog loves him.  He sure does enjoy chasing him around in the backyard every morning.  It's nice that he has a (sometimes annoying) playmate. 

Well, I need to go fold clothes and dig out some jeans for Graham to wear today.  I hope all of you have a blessed day.  Love to all!

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