Thursday, November 3, 2011

no title Thursday

This week is going by so usual in my house.  We've had a couple sick kids.  Tuesday Graham came home sick, and yesterday Drew stayed home.  I don't know if it's a stomach virus or not...but the only symptom is nausea that comes and goes. 

I am keeping Drew home again today.  :-(  Hopefully his teachers will take pity on him and be kind to him when he gets back to school.  They were the other couple of days he missed earlier in the year. 

Hopefully today will go by quickly and Drew will be better.  I don't like it when any of my kids are sick, but when Drew is sick it's really quiet around my house.  He is the loud one.  :) 

On to other things now...

Today is a brand new day...and with it the opportunity to be a blessing to someone.  I pray this all the time...that God will work through me and allow me to be a blessing or an encouragement to someone in need.  I have days that I am so the opposite of that, though.  But every day is a new start.  Every day we have the chance to love on someone.  Whether it be through a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, a helping hand...we have the chance to be or do something kind. 

Isn't that awesome??

I love the idea of "paying it forward". 

I am making this my goal through the months of November and December.  I love a challenge and I am challenging myself to do or say something kind to someone at least once every day for the next two months.

One group of people I am targeting the most is my own family.  Did you know that it's a proven fact that we are nicer to complete strangers than we are to our own families that we live with?  How sad is that???  Don't forget to start with them!   

Care to join me?  I thought I'd do a different spin on the "I'm Thankful For...".  It's not hard and it doesn't have to cost anything.  The best things in life are free, after all. 

Think about it...and comment on here if you're interested. 

Love to all. 

1 comment:

  1. I love doing little random acts of kindness. Thanks for the reminder that it's time to pay it forward some more! :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog!

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