Thursday, November 17, 2011

Happy Thursday!

I know I don't say that often...the Thursday part, I mean.  With my aversion to them and all.  After yesterday, I know that today will be the turnaround.  :)

Have I mentioned that we watch Home Improvement in the morning?  I love this show.  And Tim Allen.  It's gotta be the all-boys thing.  I love how he's always getting into trouble of some sort.  It reminds me of a couple of people in my house.  Maybe that's why we like it...because we can relate. 

I'm glad we stayed home last night.  I went to bed early (for the third night in a row, right around nine).  I finished up the series of books I was reading from the library, so I started reading my first book on my new touchpad.  :)  I like it.  Love it, actually...I can adjust the font and the size of it, I can even adjust the background color.  I was only able to read for about fifteen minutes once I laid down, because I was already falling asleep.

I'm hoping I can hold myself together all night tonight, because I have plans at midnight!!!!  Any guesses?

My best friend, her daughter and I are going to see the 12:02 showing of Breaking Dawn.  :) 

Just because we're cool like that.  And it's funner at midnight.  Drew asked if he could go.  (Smile) 

Well, laundry is calling my name.  Again.  It does that a lot.  I also have to wake Jonah and Noah up a little early so that I can drive Graham and Drew to school.  Drew's ankle hurts really bad and he doesn't feel up to walking to the bus stop this morning.  (Because of his fall yesterday.)  So, I'm driving them. 

Have a great day!  Love to all. 


  1. Our laundry is never ending! I do LOADS everyday and still seem to have mountains of it everywhere!

    Of course your Thursday will be good... you get to see me at school today! ;-)

    Have fun tonight! Sounds like a great girls night!

  2. I'm so sad I didn't see you today! I think I saw you leaving...which is nice that you got finished early! I know, seriously...the laundry never ends! Lol...I always ask them to please consider to go naked instead of messing up all the clothes.

    And then Drew offered to take me up on it once. HA!

    Thanks!!! I am counting down!


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