Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What To Write?

Camping trip
the huge tarantula we saw
sleeping in the bathroom (in chairs) with Noah
the taco soup that spilled all over everything in the trailer
how much laundry I did on Sunday
catching up on Bible study
missing my mom's in touch meetings for the entire month of October
my recent pet peeves
making my two older boys car riders instead of bus riders
Bon Qui Qui...Drew's latest obsession (making his Auntie Debi super proud, I'm sure)
reality tv

These are all the things rolling around in my brain and somehow I just can't put the thoughts in a cohesive order to form a blog post. 

Maybe later. 

It'll depend on how much Bible study homework I get done today. 

Until then...Happy Tuesday.  Love to all. 

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