Monday, October 17, 2011

Too Many Subjects to Come Up With a Title

It's been a busy weekend!  We got our Fall break started off with a faculty and staff bonfire and hayride out at our plant manager's farm.  Mr. Ronnie and his sweet wife are precious to go to all that trouble for us.  There were a bunch of people there...if I had to guess, I would say there were definitely over a hundred of us...maybe even closer to one twenty.  Plus kids.  A whole lot of kids.  It was a great time to sit and get reacquainted outside of work.  The weather was perfect, cool and crisp...and only one kid jumped off the hayride.  The one who's mom had just told him not to jump off.  ;-)

We left Mr. Ronnie's and headed toward the airport.  As I was passing through Collierville (Mr. Ronnie lives in Moscow), I realized how early we were.  I got off the interstate and we made a pit stop at Sonic.  Everyone got a snack and we had to visit their bathroom before getting back on the interstate. 

We made it safely to the airport, but I got so confused in the parking garage.  A lot of it is under construction, so certain parts are open and some areas are closed.  For instance, the American Airlines entrance into the airport was roped I tried to find a good spot that was well lit and close enough that we wouldn't all be freaked out.

Do you know how freaky the airport is at night?  When you're the lone adult with four kids?  At ten o'clock at night?  Creepy.  The kids were all on the verge of freaking out, and Drew had to pee four times in the 30 minutes we waited on Todd.  He does that when he's nervous...and for some reason, he was.

We finally were down to the last ten minutes, and we walked up to area that you can look out the windows.  We watched Todd's plane was really cool.  Jonah said, "I knew that was his plane, I could see Daddy with my mind."

Sweet.  Never have I been so glad to see a person in all of my life.  I am so thankful that he doesn't travel often.  I would go nuts if he did. 

Saturday we slept in and hung around home for a long time, then we met up with the neighbors to talk about our upcoming camping trip.  We got all of our food ideas nailed down, and we put together a huge shopping list.  And yesterday, thanks to my awesome hubby and neighbor, Travis, they did just that.  Shopped their little hearts out.  I won't talk about the amount, was enough to make my heart skip a beat.  Yikes. 

Yesterday we helped out in First Kids Church.  I love this time every month!  The praise and worship is amazing, and the teaching was so good yesterday that I forgot I was in "kids' church"!  Our leaders are amazing, wonderful people...with a deep love for our kids.  It's obvious when you meet them.  And they are so heart was blessed richly yesterday morning. 

Last night, my best friend, my mom, my sisters and my niece and I went to see Footloose.  Oh my GOODNESS GRACIOUS.  If you aren't planning on going to see that need to rethink that decision.  It was amazing.  I sang the entire time and laughed my head off.  I'd forgotten how funny parts of it was definitely worth the $9.50 it took to get us in the door.  And coming from a gal that doesn't go to movies much (not because I don't love to, but because I don't love paying that price), that is saying a lot.  I would do it again in a heartbeat. 

So, here we are to Monday.  I have a few things to accomplish around the house today....laundry and cooking for our upcoming trip.  I think we're planning on breaking away at lunch time to go to the park.  I have two extra ones today...Myles and Zander.  I am praying we have a fun two days while I get us ready to go camping for four days and three nights.  I have lots to do, but hopefully the kids won't mind me being busy while they hang out. 

Speaking of our trip...I am ready!!  Now that everything is bought, it's just a matter of packing all of our personal stuff and getting it all loaded up and ready to go.  I have lists that have other lists.  I think I'm pretty well organized and know what all is going with us.  I hope so, anyway.  I guess if something gets forgotten, we don't need it.  ;-)

Well, I need a refill on the coffee.  And something just came on The Today show that I want to watch.  So, I'm going to go do that.  Love to all!

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