Friday, October 28, 2011

Tears in my Soup

I cannot stop crying...for several reasons, but the biggest one of all is the fact that my high school friend's wife went home to be with the Lord this morning at 4:18.  I (and so many others) was praying for God just to take her as peacefully and as quickly as He could.  I am so glad she is no longer in pain, and that she has met Jesus face to face.

But as a Mom, my heart is completely broken. 

How many times do we complain about making lunches?  Going shopping for groceries?  All the homework?  The dinner we have to think up and prepare?  The cleaning, the laundry...I  could go on. 

I know I do.  But we are among the blessed. 

April would have given anything in the world to have a lifetime more of nothing but those things.  I can't help but feel incredibly selfish at all the moments I've taken for granted. 

I've only met this woman once, but I will think of her every single time I am about to complain about something.  I wish all of you could read her and Sam's facebook pages...the lives that have been changed because of the example of her faith are incredible.  I cannot stop reading them...thus, I cannot stop crying. 

And hence the title, tears in my soup.  I couldn't even eat my lunch because I keep crying.  Tomato soup with crackers loses its flavor when mixed with salty tears. 

Please continue to pray for both the families...the Kelly's and the Lowe's.  April leaves behind her husband Sam, Madily, Ainsley and Owen, a mom, a dad, two sisters, and all of Sam's family.  She was a wife, mom, daughter, and friend to many. 

Love to all. 

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