Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fall Break, Day 2

Today dawned bright and early...again.  :)  I'm having to wake up a little early because of my two little extra's.  No big deal, though...it just gets me up earlier to enjoy my first cup of coffee. 

I know...but I'm serious, unfortunately.  I think I'm getting old...when I look forward to going to bed at night so I can have that first cup of coffee the next morning. 

Anyway, moving on.  It is much cooler today (46* as I write this) and rainy.  The rain didn't come until closer to lunch time, though, thankfully.  Since I had seven kids in my front yard playing football.  (Graham, Drew, Jonah, Will, Drew C., Ethan, and Collin)  The other three were upstairs playing a game on the Wii. 

My dad called and rescued us from staying home...and invited us to lunch at Backyard Burger.  I love their blackened chicken sandwich...yum.  And Drew is in love with their chili.  Perfect for this cool day!

Now we're back home, nearing the end of a movie.  For anybody who hasn't seen this, it has to be the strangest movie I've ever seen.  Tron Legacy??  It's entertaining Noah and Myles, though. 

I'm about to leave and take Myles and Zander to get their hair cut.  I offered to do this since I have a little more spare time than my neighbors, Travis and Katie.  On the agenda for tonight is an easy dinner since we'll be spending part of the evening loading up the trailer for tomorrow. 

That's about it for today.  It's been a great day so far...we're all just counting down until tomorrow when we leave for our camping trip!  We're all so excited we can hardly see straight.  Love to all!

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