Monday, October 17, 2011

Fall Break, Day 1

It was a great day.  Our neighbors, Myles and Zander are hanging out with us today and tomorrow, as well.  Today, the only plans I had were to get out and enjoy the beautiful day that God blessed us with.  So, after some minimal housekeeping things (dishes, laundry, neatening up), we packed up our lunches and headed out.

I need to stop here and give Graham and Drew the credit for getting us out the door in a timely manner.  While I was finishing getting dressed, they were packing our chips, desserts and drinks.  :)

We went to Cameron Brown park, because it's not THAT far, and it's our favorite park.  We are creatures of habit, and we always start at the first playset and then end at the one near the exit.  They ate, they swung on the swings, they ran...I would say a great time was had by all.

We came home afterwards so Zan could take a nap.  While he napped, the other boys played Lego Starwars and Drew and I watched Paul Blart Mall Cop.  Until I got frustrated enough to turn it off because of our super sensitive blue ray disc player.  I think they finished it upstairs on the Wii...thank you, Netflix Instant Queue.  :)

After that I made our first night's dinner for our camping trip.  Taco soup.  With an extra dose of spicy.  It's going to taste great with the extra spice and the cold (close to freezing) weather.  I cannot wait.  Have I mentioned I'm excited???

I never in a million years would have guessed that I would become a camping junky.

With this being said, I will leave you with some pictures from our last camping trip.  I can't wait to add more memories to our next great camping adventure!  Love to all!

1 comment:

  1. have a blast!! can't wait to see pictures!

    love from NC,


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