Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sunshine, Drew and Singing!!!

Today was an awesome day.  My friends from church invited us to Lifetime fitness to swim.  The kids were so excited about it...they've been wanting to slide down those slides ever since the place was built. 

We were there for FOUR HOURS.  Not that it felt like that long, because I was in good company. 

I love new friends.  I'm thankful for the old ones, too.  I feel so blessed to have so many friends in my life...I thank God for each and every one of them every chance I get.  I pray I never take them for granted.  I didn't always make friends easily, but now that I'm older, I do.  I am thankful for that...all my shyness seems to have disappeared with age. 

So that's the sunshine part. 

The Drew part is that he's gone tonight.  He was invited over to a friends' house to spend the night.  Naturally, that means that we have to add a kid to replace him.  :)  So Graham's friend (since he was 4) Cameron is here to spend the night.  But Drew is texting me and Todd, telling us that he's a little homesick.  Because his tummy hurts.  God love his little self.  He has my stomach. 

So tonight was church night for us.  The little guys didn't make it up to kids' church tonight.  Jonah had a killer headache from all the sunshine today, so he and Noah stayed with me.  Because you know that what Jonah does, Noah does. 

Then I went to choir practice.  For the first time since Easter.  It was so good being in a choir again!  I loved it.  I plan on singing with them on Sunday.  :)

Well, that's about all I've got.  I'm going to bed soon...I am exhausted from today.  And just think...tomorrow we get to spend the day outside in the sunshine again!  This time with my friend Carol, or "Mimi Carol" to the kids.  She called and invited us over to swim tomorrow.  Of course, the kids are excited...they love her grand kids and her salt water pool. 

Good night!  Love to all. 

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