Thursday, July 28, 2011

Random Thoughts (for the umpteenth time)

It's 8:54 a.m., and Jonah and I are the only ones awake in the house.  I was informed that the boys tried to pull an all-nighter, but only made it until about 3.  I don't know how factual that statement is, but that's what Jonah said. 

Another little tidbit he said randomly: "I wonder how Santa fits down the chimney." 

Welcome to my life. 

I got a phone call from our principal this week.  I've tried returning her call several times, to no avail.  It kinda makes me I'm being sent to her office, or something.  I did finally get through to her this morning, but she asked to call me back.  I can't help but freak out wonder as to why she would call. 

I recently discovered a super cool thing on one of my phone aps.  I have the Youversion ap...the Bible ap.  Our church uses Youversion for notes and can always see Brother Chuck's notes for the sermon, even if you're not there.  Anyway, while looking more thoroughly at the ap, I discovered that I can do my One Year Bible reading from it.  I've picked back up on my morning quiet time over the summer, and having the guideline on my phone makes it so easy!  I use the phone to tell me what to read next, but I use my normal-sized Bible.  My One Year Bible is so small, it's nearly impossible to read.  Maybe that's why I got in on sale a few years ago for $5. 

I am ridiculously sad that school is about to start back.  :(  They're not all that sad, in fact, they're all kind of excited.  But I could cry.  (With that being said, I am very thankful for my job that I have there and so happy to be able to see at least 2 of my kiddos every single day.)  The only thing I'm looking forward to that Monday that school starts is meeting back up with my praying moms.  We will be covering those babies and all the staff in prayer that day.  A cool thing I just found out about this all...we're being allowed to pass our fliers in the parking lot the day that school starts!  If you're reading this and have kids at Collierville Elementary, Collierville Middle and Tara Oaks and want to pray, come join us!  We have free childcare and we'll be starting Monday August 8th at 9:15. 

I am excited for one night that all my kids will be at home without any extras.  Todd won't be here (he's working with the sheriff's department), but I cannot wait.  I'm going to fix a yummy dinner and we just might watch a movie.  :) 

I finally have gotten caught up on The Bachelorette.  I did a marathon viewing over the past few days so I could be caught up by the time the finale aired.  I know you were dying to know that.  :)  

Well, I need to get moving.  I have laundry that's calling my name.  Hope your day is wonderful!  Love to all.

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