Monday, July 25, 2011

In Two Weeks...

we'll be back in school.  :(  I always have such mixed emotions this time of year.  I'm always excited about the prospect of a fresh start.  New school year, new teachers, new friends...but I'm always sad to let the kids go.  They love it so much, though.  They might not readily admit that, but they do.  They love being with their friends every day, and they love all the activities that go along with the new school year. 

Like football games.  And clubs. 

I'm excited for cooler weather.  :) 

But sad that our swimming days will come to an end. 

Like I said, such mixed emotions.  It will be so weird with only Jonah and Noah at CES with me.  But as strange as it might be, I'm excited for Drew...I know he will love middle school as much as Graham did last year.  I pray that last year's sixth graders will "pay it forward" this year to the incoming sixth graders.  Last year, there were all these kids that would stop and make Graham feel so welcome everyday.  I've been telling him that he has the responsibility of doing that this year. 

I'm pretty sure he will, and I hope that some of his friends will jump in and join him.  It only takes one to start something. 

Well, that's about all I've got.  The kids are wanting to go swim again.  I hope you are all having a blessed Monday.  Love to all!

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