Wednesday, June 1, 2011


The boys had to go to bed early last night, because we all had to wake up early this morning.  Graham had a dental appointment.  He had 2 baby teeth that were in front of 2 (already in place) permanent teeth.  So he had to have them removed.  Poor Graham is just like I was when I was a little girl...terrified of the dentist.  I always appreciated a nice smile from the hygienist and from the actual doctor himself.

We have got the world's greatest dentist.  He is someone Todd has known his whole life, he's a Christian, and he is phenomenal with kids (and adults).  And he doesn't hurt you.  AT ALL.  That is my kind of dentist.  Because I am still a coward when it comes to dental stuff, too.

Anyway, Graham did great.  We came back home and are having a wonderfully, lazy (productive for me) day.  I was able to have some great quiet time while the kids were all upstairs building the world's best fort.  Those are the exact words that Drew used.  I made them all their favorite lunch and they made cupcakes for desert.  They did great!  And they are really, really good.  Who doesn't love cupcakes??

Speaking of who doesn't love them...they're anxiously awaiting our neighbor's return from work.  Mr. Paul is the kind man who taught them to garden a couple years ago.  This year, he gave each of the boys their very own tomato plant.  He built them boxes, gave them mulch to plant them in and is continuing to check on the progress of the plants via the boys.  To thank him for his kindness, they are delivering cupcakes for him and his wife to enjoy for dessert and a hand-drawn original from Drew.  :)

It's been a great day.  I've gotten lots of laundry done and the boys have done a great job of helping me out around the house some.  And...everybody is getting along!!!  Seriously!  I only had to tell them to be nice once or twice.  We're working on this every single day...what we say and how we say it.  Anyway, it's been wonderful.  Tonight is the kick-off event at church for the summer activities.

Well, I hope you all enjoy the rest of your day!  Love to all.

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