Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Planned Day

It's one of the few planned days we've had since school let out.  I am starting a new Bible study this morning, at my new church.  I'm very excited!  We're doing Made To Crave by Lysa TerKeurst.  She is the lady that founded Proverbs 31 Ministries online.  She is a phenomenal author and speaker...I had the privilege of hearing her speak at Hope Presbyterian a few years ago at their women's conference. 

The Bible study starts at eleven and goes for about an hour, maybe a little longer.  I'm leaving the boys at home.  Since Graham is actually "of age" now, I figure they'll be fine.  I'm not going to be gone long, and I'm two blocks down the road. 

Have I mentioned that I love that, by the way?  The whole two blocks away from my church thing?  We've saved loads of money on gas the last six or seven weeks.  The new church is still an adjustment for me.  The kids love it and are well adjusted, but I haven't quite found my "spot" yet.   I'm contemplating the choir thing.  The choir director put his wife up to asking me if I planned on joining, and she was encouraging me to.  I'm just not sure yet.  I'm hoping today's Bible study group will get me started on finding my place. 

I miss my old church.  I miss the music and the people.  I've been kind of sad about it lately...especially a couple nights ago, I was browsing through some past blog posts I'd written, and a lot of them were about music at church.  And singing in the choir.  And helping lead worship.  I know this will pass...and right now, it's not about me being happy.  It's all about my kids, and they love it.  I will find my way out of this slump and be fine.  I really do love all the people I've met, and the people I already knew, I've enjoyed getting to know more. 

Anyway, back to today.  After Bible study, we'll have lunch, then we're going swimming at my friend's house.  This sweet lady (whom my kids call "Mimi Carol") had us over to swim once a week last summer, and she invited us again today.  She tried to get something planned last week, but we were busy.  The kids love going to her house, because she has grand kids that are about my kids' age.  And, her pool is a salt water pool, which they LOVE!

Just one little fun tidbit for ya: my kids have discovered fried eggs.  I know...healthy, right?  They love them.  I've created little monsters.  Two mornings this week, they've had either fried eggs and toast, or they've had French toast.  With a breakfast as big as they just ate, they'll eat something small and snacky for lunch.

Well, I'm off.  Kathy Lee and Hoda are about to come on, so I have to run!  Love to all!

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