Saturday, May 14, 2011

Tales From The...

Don't ask.  I'm not sure where I was planning on going with that, but let's ignore it and move on. 

The weekend is flying by with lightning speed.  And Todd has been gone for the most of it.  He worked at the BBQ fest last night, tonight, and he's training tomorrow with the sheriff's department on a fun new vehicle they bought.  That last thing wasn't planned, but when the chief calls you and asks you to do that, you do not want to turn her down. 

So.  It's been just the boys and me.  And an extra friend or two.  And a wolf spider the size of a third world country.  That nobody would kill.  There was screaming involved.  Lots and lots of screaming, and of the bloody murder kind.  Poor Charlotte finally met her demise, though, in the form of a vacuum cleaner attachment with  POWERFUL suction.  Yes.  I'm a little embarrassed. 

But blissfully spider-less, for the moment, anyway. 

I wanted to blog for a couple days, but Blogger wouldn't let me.  Technical difficulties.  It's probably a good thing I couldn't, though, because the last couple days of my week were a little wacky.  And I'm probably better off for not having written about it. 

Now that I can write, I don't have anything to write about. 

Except for the movie I'm watching right now, Hitch.  I love this movie.  I'd forgotten about how funny it is.  It has Will Smith and the guy that was in Paul Blart, Mall Cop.  I love him!  The laugh out loud kind...even though I'm all alone right now. 

Well...that's all I've got.  I hope all of you have enjoyed your weekend so far!  I know I have...and I am so excited to get a start on these last two weeks of school!  Come on, Summer! 

Love to all.

1 comment:

  1. I HATE Spiders, I know they must have a purpose in this world.... I am glad you thought quickly and the vaccum sounds like an easy elimination! Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend. :)


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