Thursday, May 19, 2011

Not Much...

I think I'm in a writing funk.  I seem to write about the same things over and over.  Oh well...guess that's better than nothing, right?

This might seem random...but below are the thoughts running around in my head.

1.  Facebook.  Imagine that.  I know we all have Facebook pet peeves...but my biggest is the fact that people use it to vent.  I don't know how many more people I can "hide"!  And yet I still log on...what is up with that??  I don't know.  And I don't think I want to know. 

2.  Kids.  We are on the countdown until school ends.  After tomorrow, we will only have 4 more days!!  I don't know what we're going to do everyday, but I'm sure we'll muddle through. 

3.  Grammar.  (I almost spelled that Graham-er.  Seriously.)  I love reading blogs.  I despise when people don't write in paragraph form.  I think my ADD kicks in (not really, I'm being facetious) and all of a sudden I can't read it.  I also dislike misspelled words.  I often visit the Webster's Dictionary website.  Some of the biggies: to, two, too...they're, their, get my drift.

4.  Friends.  I'm blessed.  I don't know why...but God has blessed me with friends.  I am so thankful to Him for these women in my life.  I don't know what I'd do without them.

5.  OPI.  I really want some new colors.  In searching for my bi-monthly color change, I discovered that most of mine have all dried up.  This makes me so sad.  I've been eying the new Pirates of the Caribbean line.  There's one called Mermaid Tears that is loverly.  I'm thinking I might be making a trip to pick up some.  Oh, and my color choice for the latter part of May is Smokin' in Havana.

6.  The Bachelorette starts Monday!!!!!!!!!

7.  Dancing with the Stars ends.  And American Idol.  :(  I'm going to miss being entertained by Steven Tyler twice a week.

8.  Movies.  I want to go see some.  Pirates is one of them.  I love all these movies, and I love Johnny Depp and his freaky self.  I always have and probably always will.  We never saw the movie Rio, either.  I was thinking of all these tonight while I had my girly, long shower, nail-painting quiet time tonight. 

9.  Angry Birds.  ???  Todd was playing that when I came downstairs.  And then him and my neighbor Travis (who had come over) had a whole conversation about it.  Hmmph.  Guys. 

10.  Devotional books.  Does anyone have recommendations for the 8-12 age?  Something interesting and engaging?  That they won't yawn through?  If so...send them my way, please!  I've been searching and have yet to find one. 

11.  The back of my eyelids.  Not really...but I'm about to be staring at them. 

G'night.  Love to all. 

1 comment:

  1. I have GOT to check out that OPI Pirates line!!! Two of my favorite things in one! OH happy day!! =) I love you! I think Jason and I are going to see Pirates at the new IMax in Branson.. Johnny in a larger screen could be fab!! =)


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