Tuesday, May 24, 2011

life and thoughts

I saw on facebook this past Saturday that another volcano started to erupt in Iceland.  Our missionary friends, the Fitzgeralds', posted some video footage and I "shared" it on my profile page.  In watching the video, I was taken aback to this time last year.  The E-15 volcano started erupting in March or April of last year and continued to spit until just a few short days before we got there.  So much so that Mike Fitzgerald and Eddie (the leader of our trip) changed the entire course of our trip. 

I'm so glad I didn't know that when we went. 

I have friends that are going again this summer, and I wonder if they're feeling the same things I was feeling.  Uncertainty, a tad bit of anxiety, and fear of the unknown.  I felt all of those things and more up until the minute we got on the plane.  Like I said...looking at the video just kind of took me back to a year ago.  In the meantime, I am praying for my Iceland friends.  We left part of our heart there when we left last summer.  This is one of the things that I was so sad about in leaving our church.  I might never have the opportunity to go over there again.  But then again, I might...who knows what God has in store?

On a lighter note, today is a gloriously sunshine-y Tuesday!  After the doom and gloom of the past couple days, the sun is looking nice.  Jonah and Noah had a makeup game last night, but while they were playing, the sky dropped.  I was soaking wet by the time I wrestled my big golf umbrella into the car.  At one point, I just stood there and started laughing.  I probably could have won on America's Funniest Videos.  I looked like I'd taken a shower with my pants on.  It was pretty funny. 

Today is my last mom's in touch meeting for this school year.  I cannot believe how fast the time has flown from January to present date.  I can't describe the blessing this group of women has been to me.  And the time that we spend praying quickly became my favorite time of the entire week.  New friendships have been formed and many prayers have been answered.  God was there each and every time and  He showed His faithfulness to us.  I am so sad that I won't be doing this every week for 10 weeks.  It's so different praying with a group of women...no offense to men...but women just feel more and pray more from the heart.  This precious group has become so near and dear to me.  I will look forward to starting back in August. 

Well...my Drew just woke up all dressed and ready for his walk to school.  Did I mention that on here?  He's been walking to school the last three days.  I hate that he just started doing this when he loves it so much, but I guess it's better late than never.  I hope you all have a blessed day.  Love to all!

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