Sunday, May 22, 2011

I Don't Even Know

Summer time is on my brain.  I have been thinking about what we're going to do every day.  I know that swimming will take up lots of afternoons.  :)  I've signed us up for the free Pink Palace membership~you can do this through May, so if you haven't done that yet, do it now!  I got a flyer in the mail from the Brooks Museum.  They have something free every week called Wacky Wednesday.  It's an artsy type thing to do with the kids...I figured since it's free we'll try it.  If we don't like it, we just won't go back.

Tuesdays and Wednesdays have the Kids Movie Festival thing all summer starting the first Tuesday of June.  But we've seen all the movies.  So I am thinking we're going to cross that one off our list. 

Thursday nights in The Ville are summer concert nights...and though we've never done that before, I'm thinking we're going to start this summer.  :) 

We spend Fridays with my sweet Daddy.

Guess that only leaves Monday. 

Not too bad, I'd say.  And of course, we're going to have days that we do nothing except enjoy each others company.  We'll have days that I need to just spend doing house stuff.  We'll have days that are rainy and perfect for staying inside in the jammies, watching movies and eating popcorn.  We'll have days that are spent with friends.  We'll have lots and lots of lots of days to just...enjoy. 

I don't know if I'm going to make it through this week.  We're going to Graham's award ceremony tomorrow morning at the middle school.  I'm going to work after that, and then I have Drew's field day to enjoy.  Hopefully tomorrow I will remember the sunscreen.  Tuesday is my Mom's in Touch group~our last of this school year~and Wednesday my sweet cafeteria-volunteering friends are taking me to lunch at Booya's when I get off.  Isn't that just the sweetest thing ever???  I will dearly miss them over the summer! 

One really fun, totally unexpected thing that we're planning is a weekend camping trip.  With our best camping buddies in the world.  This Griswold's.  Hopefully this time, without the creepy man!  I am so excited...the weather is going to be great.  Eighties in the daytime, sixties at night...swimming, bike riding, hobo-packet eating...sounds like Heaven!  I'm really friend just texted me about it tonight.  I just hope we can make it all happen between now and then.  ;) 

Well...we're watching CSI now, so I'm getting off of here.  Love to all!

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