Sunday, May 1, 2011



has a quietness about him. 
loves his brothers fiercely.
loves to snuggle.
is quick to compliment.
loves sports.
loves playing with his castles and superheros.
love any and every animal, and constantly asks, "Mom?  Can I ask if I can go pet that ______?"
loves to go the zoo. 
has a perpetually dirty mouth (from food).
loves to breakdance.
loves to do handstands and headstands.
loves to climb.
has a sweet, sensitive heart.
is ticklish all over his body, even on his fingernails and toenails, which makes it very interesting when you have to trim them!
has zero fat on him anywhere...he is one solid muscle. 
is my attentive one.
loves to be read to.
loves to kiss every night...butterfly, eskimo...
loves to sit in laps.
prefers Big Daddy over a room full of people.
loves to eat.  Especially Reese's peanut butter cups. 
loves blankets. 
survived a very scary incident a couple weeks ago.
has angels all around him.
is my sweet baby...and will always be THE baby. 

Noah.  :)

1 comment:

  1. so sweet!! I don't know them well...but I was thinking Noah when I saw that he loves to climb. I think we had compared notes on our "monkeys" before! Hope you are having a good day!


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