Monday, May 23, 2011

Guess Who?


loves sports
knows almost everything about the games he loves to watch
was born with a smile on his face
used to squeal like a girl when he was a baby
loves to sing (and does it in his sleep)
lives in Under Armour
refuses to wear anything but tennis shoes and wallabe's
hates having to wear khaki shorts on Sunday's
loves baseball
loves soccer even more
loves to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
also loves spinach lasagna...but only if Big Daddy made it
loves his brothers fiercely
can sometimes be a brat
loves his hair cut super short
idolizes his daddy and wants to be just like him when he grows up
is shy around girls, because they find him irresistable
once sang a Mac'N'Cheese song his Aunt Debi made up in McAllister's
hates to be in the center of attention
loves to talk about all the great plays he made during a game
thinks he wins every game he plays
is precious and wonderful, according to his kindergarten teacher
has stolen all of his teacher's hearts since he's been in school
loves gym the most
is adorable
has the deepest dimples in the world
is Jonah. 

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