Wednesday, April 6, 2011

life in general

I need to start this post off by saying how thankful I am to my Creator for my beautiful, wonderful, crazy family.  I am so thankful that we've been blessed with healthy, active kids.  And I'm very thankful for a husband who helps me transport them to and from sporting events, practices, etc. 

But, holy cow, have we been busy.  So busy, in fact, that we haven't watched the Amazing Race from 2 Sunday's ago.  How crazy is that??  Actually, as I write that, I'm so glad that our life is filled with other healthy activities...instead of sitting inside, watching television.  But that's an example of what we've been up to.  If it's not Lacrosse games, it's practice, or work, or band festivals (Graham), or birthday parties, or just a beautiful night.  

Take last night, for example.  Graham and Drew had practice, so I took them.  Todd picked them up so I could get mostly finished with dinner.  We ate as a family (thank You, Lord, for another gift), then all 5 of them went outside.  Did you notice the 5?  Not 4?  Their dad went out and played a rousing game of kickball in the front yard.  My heart swelled up with thankfulness over a man who actually plays with his kids.  And it was just them...for once, no neighbors, no friends.  But what a great night. 

Todd finally came in and then had to leave.  He's taking care of his grandmother this week while his parents are out of town (I know.  What a guy.).  The boys finally, begrudgingly came in at 7:45 to do homework and take showers.  Then it was off to bed for them. 

I absolutely adore nights like last night.  I also love the busy schedule, although a night home every once in a while would be great.  I love that they're living healthy, active lives.  I am thankful that Todd and I can keep up with them.  I am thankful for this busy life I've been given.  

That being said, summer is on its way.  I can hear birds singing outside my window as I write this.  Baseball starts for Jonah and Noah this week, too, which means we're REALLY almost there.  I am counting down (well, not officially) for this school year to be finished so I can enjoy all my boys at home with me.  If we can just make it through next week...the dreaded week of TCAPS.  We'll make it...and have a fun weekend celebrating the finality of them while we camp out and enjoy the Alabama spring game. 

So...that's where I've been.  The blog hasn't gotten much attention this week.  I hope to write again soon, though.  I pray that all of you have a blessed day.  Love to all. 

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