Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Function-Ality of my House

I don't know if that's a word, by the way.  Functionality, I mean.  Apparently it is, because spell check isn't red-lining it.

I cleaned some today.  And de-cluttered.  And re-purposed some of the really cute things I forgot I have.  I thought I would share the stuff I did on my blog.  Because I know you are dying to see the inside of my house, right?  That is said with major sarcasm, by the way.  I've been itching to re-do stuff in my house and have made some progress.  I also happen to read too many decorating blogs.

So for your enjoyment, here goes.

I love my kitchen color.  What I do not love is the way it looks with my cabinets.  I never even gave it a thought as to how orange-y it would make them look.  I plan to remedy that someday.  I want to paint the cabinets black.  Yup.  Black.  It will be French-country looking (which is my decorating style, in case you were curious) and it will hide all the little smudgy hand and finger prints.  :)  Oh, and yes...those are pictures you see on my cabinet doors.  I love my kids and love to display their cuteness...and will eventually get around to framing these.  But for now, they live on my cabinet doors. 

These cute canisters were on top of my fridge.  I cleaned them off and moved them over to the counter top under my spice cabinet.  And yes, I need to move the spice rack you see (or cannot) behind them.

Nothing new here.  I just love my light fixture, the curtains my amazing mom made sweet forever ago, and the flower arrangement.  The light fixture is new-ish (like in the last year and a half) and it totally changed my kitchen.  I also love my table...lots of meals are shared here and lots of memories rest on top of it.  Like the time Aunt Trisha and I took four and a half hours to make a simple Lowes' kids' project and hammered the heck out of some nails...thus damaging the surface of the table.  What do I care???  I have some great memories etched in this thing.

The fridge that I wish was black.  I cleaned off the top and put the rooster tray on top of it, instead of where it used to be on the counter top where my radio sits at home.  I also had this canister thing somewhere else...I can't remember, but I thought it looked nice on the fridge.

I talked to my best friend this morning.  While doing so, I cut the fabric chain covers off the top of my pot rack.  My mom made them a long time ago (to match the black on my curtains) but I was sick of them.  I know some people hate pot racks, but I love this thing.  The pans NEVER stay on it for very long...and I have nice pans, which were a gift from my sweet in-loves our 2nd or 3rd Christmas.  Why not show them off?

I know it's not cool to cover your fridge with stuff, but this is the exception.  Jonah and Noah made Todd and I these things when they were 3 years old.  And it will forever be on my fridge.  I love it...I love seeing their sweet little hand and feet prints, and remember how adorable they were!!  And still are...

This is my most favorite thing in my house, other than the people who inhabit it.  This is my ever-growing cross collection.  I've added lots in the past few months...crosses that I found or were given by people that I love.  :)  This makes my heart all happy.  I also love the staircase.  I'm pretty sure that's the main thing I loved about this house.  Painted black stairs with a runner going all the way up.  LURVE IT

This is our tornado closet hall.  And 2 ginormous peg racks that house the kids' backpacks, our blue rays and dvd's and our jackets.  Please excuse the vacuum.  It stays out because I am constantly vacuuming the dog hair up off the floor.  This is another favorite area of my house.  It stood empty forever, but when we did our big living room re-do last year, my amazing husband hung these for me.  All that wasted space now gets all the clutter that the dining room table and chairs used to get.  And now my dining room can stay pretty again.  Well...when it's not cluttered with Todd's stuff.  Notice it will not be pictured tonight.  Because of all that clutter on top of the table. 

My favorite word sign in the entire world.  

A little thing I did last week.  All the stuff on this table was on top of my hutch in the dining room.  There used to be a lamp that sat here, but I moved it to the desk the kids sit at to do their homework.  Duh...sometimes I'm a little slow.  

See?  It's much better here on this desk...and this is Jonah about to sit down to do his homework for the night.  I also happen to love the saying above the picture I painted last summer.  :)  

The beginning of the wall I'm starting a collage on.  I've been slowly adding to it every few weeks.  I can't wait to go digging around tomorrow when I drop the kids off.  I have tons of stuff just dying to be hung that's sitting in our playroom closet.  :)

Todd's favorite thing ever...his birthday gift from my mom and stepdad.  And yes.  It adorns our living room walls.  Because what is a living room if it's not filled with the things I love??? 

The piano my dad bought my mom.  It's been at my sister's house, but now it lives with me.  I hung this iron thing last week, even though what I really want to hang above it are some painted canvases (done by me) with musical notes and scales on them.  I'll get to that someday...but for now, this works.  I also love this lamb thing.  A girl I went to high school with made it, and it reminds me of my boys.  

Our downstairs half bath.  This was remodeled a few years ago, thanks to our leaky pipes.  There's a lamp on the counter that you can't see that I love, and this little flower thing my mom gave me.  I also love the curtains in here.  Another thing that makes my heart happy.  

Well...that's all for now...now that I've quite possibly bored you to death.  Steven Tyler and American Idol are calling my name.  

Love to all!!!  And happy decorating...if you are so inspired!  I can't wait to do more tomorrow! 

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