Sunday, March 6, 2011

the end of another weekend

Am I the only one who can't keep up with time anymore?  Every time I blink it seems as if yet another week has gone by.  I guess the better question would be, am I doing all I can to make sure I live a life worth living?

For me, this is two things.  One, I want to make sure that I live a life that stands out to people.  I might be the only Jesus some people ever see.  I want to live a life that brings Him glory, one that honors Him.  He died for that I can spend all of eternity with Him, and He takes all my worries and cares away.  My life isn't trouble-free, I assure you, but He gives me a new perspective on things that happen daily.  Are people seeing Him in me?  Is my life one that will lead others to Him?  Am I following all of His commandments?  And in those times of trouble and persecution, how am I responding?  Am I freaking out, or am I releasing it all to Him?  Am I showing that through whatever may come, I have the faith in Him to deliver me from it?  Regardless of how that will be?

It's worth thinking about.  I hope I am doing all of these things.  There are times that I have to take the time and evaluate my life.  I have to make sure that I'm doing my part in this little slice of time I've been given.  And in the grand scheme of eternity...what are my priorities?  Truly...what are they and do I have them in the right order?

The other thing I wonder about is if I'm creating enough good memories for my boys.  My parents gave me such an amazing childhood, and I want to make sure that I give that to them.  And you know what's funny?  All the things that I had the most fun doing...watching Saturday ice skaters with Dad, going to flea markets with Mom, camping with friends, swimming, having friends sleep over...were free.  It shows you that in today's world, you do not have to spend money to have fun.

I guess it's the simple person coming out in me.  Well, that and the fact that we don't have lots of money.  But you know what else?  I wouldn't trade all the money in the world for the life that I live.  I love that we love to hang out together.  I love that we watch all our favorite shows on tv together.  I love that when Todd and I have nights together at home, we don't go out, but spend that time as a family.  Because nights like that don't happen very often.  I love that we eat at home most nights.  I love that we have quality time around our kitchen's the very heart of our home.  I love that for fun, we don't go to movies and restaurants, but we hang out with friends and play games or cards.  I love that we get tons of family time.  Not just with our six, but with our extended families.  God has blessed my kids (and us) with amazing parents and siblings, so our kids have all these amazing people investing their love into their hearts.  This is what I mean when I say that I am blessed...not monetarily, but in all these amazing people God has given us.

I feel overwhelmed with gratitude right now.  I am so thankful for each moment I get with my family...our six and our extended branches.  It's great having all that support and love around's what makes us us.  I know my kids love it, too.  They know how fortunate they are to have most of our family all around us. 

That being said, we don't waste much time over things that don't matter.  We are different.  Not cut out of a mold.  We are us...and this is what makes our family work.  Please know that this is only me sharing what makes our family tick...I am in no way bashing anyone else's way of life.  The most amazing thing is how different all of us are.  Think of how boring we'd all be if we were just alike!   We are not perfect by any means and we are a constant work in progress.  We are always learning what works and what doesn't in our family. 

Just thought I'd share a little of what's on my heart tonight.  Love to all. 

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