Thursday, February 17, 2011

Spring is in the Air

For this week, anyway.  I love spring.  It's a time for new life, new beginnings, and it holds lots of promises to come.  The promise of longer nights, warmer weather when we can all enjoy the great outdoors again, greener yards...ahhhh.  I love this time of year.

Yesterday (because Noah was sick and I was bored) I started cleaning up a little bit downstairs.  And then I started moving things around.  I love making things look new and fresh, but my problem is that I'm not always motivated to do just that.  Yesterday, apparently, I was.  I hung about 4 things in my family room, and I moved dust catchers knick knacks around to different areas.  I changed up some lamps, and I de-cluttered. 

My problem is that my home is not a newer big, open floor plan home.  Which I like, don't get me wrong.  I love that each room is its own, and that they're all different...even in color.  My problem with this older, smaller, closed off floor plan is that we are almost always in the same room at the same time.  I love this too..I'm just thinking about clutter when I say this.  So...a room can't just be pretty.  (Even if it could, I'm not sure I would want it to.)  It has to be comfortable...lived in...functional. 

My desk isn't for looks.  It's marred from kids sitting at it and coloring me pictures for me to hang on my fridge.  My fireplace isn't just for fires.  It's for holding treasures that are important to me (from Iceland!!) and the books from the library.  My computer desk isn't clean and neat.  It's for Todd or Graham to sit at and do work or homework, and it's the keeper of school books and folders.  My couch pillows are beautiful, but like they are right this moment, they are all jumbled up in a huge pile because we all vegged out last night and had a family movie night (since we missed church). 

You see?  My dilemmas aren't really dilemmas at all...they are what I love.  And they are the reason my home is usually messy.  And un-decorated.  And cluttered.  However, yesterday did make the latter better.  Things look nice and they're still functional.  Woohoo!!! 

Can you tell I've been reading decorating blogs???  My favorite is The can google it.  And I just found her sister, Chatting At The Sky. 

Love!!!  Those gals have it together...they have their priorities straight.  Their homes just also happen to be beautiful, which is probably what inspired me. 

So...just thoughts for another warm Thursday morning.  I have to wake up the remaining 3 brothers.  Love to all. 

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